“What? You’re mad?”
“No, I think it’s sweet, actually. But I know you didn’t act alone, Oswald ,” I said. She laughed and flicked water on me.
“We’re not expecting you two to fall in love or anything. We just want you to have some fun. I couldn’t stand the look on your face earlier. You’re having fun, right?” she asked. I smiled. I was. It didn’t surprise me that they wanted to set me up. What did surprise me was that they were able to find a suitable guy in less than eight hours.
“Come on.” I tossed my paper towel in the basket and opened the door, gesturing for Jessica to go ahead of me. I sat between Scott and Jessica and shot Shayla a look that didn’t faze her one bit. She was having too much fun with this little scenario of hers.
Absorbed in a conversation with Jessica, I didn’t notice Scott set a beer down in front of me. The restaurant had cleared out except for our table, and I guess he must have known the bartender. If he thought plying me with drinks was going to get him anywhere with me, he was probably...well, at least on the right track. I smiled to myself taking the first drink. It was refreshing on so many levels after a year of white wine with Graham, his preference , I assumed , from years of his hoity-toity upbringing. This dark microbrew definitely hit the spot.
I don’t think I could have orchestrated a better night. The conversations were alive and exciting. We were having a great time. Shayla was in rare form. I threw my head back laughing at her story about her most recent run in with her older brother. They were always at each other’s throats, but somehow this time it was hilarious to me. I felt Scott rest his hand on the back of my chair barely touching my shoulder with his fingers. I turned to him, looking over my glass as I took a sip of my drink. He was flirting, and it actually felt nice. Another round of beers and I was officially having a great time.
It was getting late when the group started to break up. Soon it was just a few of us, including Scott and me.
He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Can I give you a ride home?” I held his gaze for a second thinking about it. He was a nice guy. Cute, of course, and really sweet. I was willing to bet he was a great kisser. My mind wandered for a moment before I realized he was still looking at me for an answer. Jessica acted like she was involved in her own conversation, but I knew she was listening.
“Thank you.” I paused for a second sidetracked by his cool green eyes. “But I came with Jess.” I shrugged indicating it was sort of out of my hands…even though it wasn’t.
“No problem. Maybe another time.” He brought his drink to his lips with his eyes locked on mine. Then he paused before taking a drink. “What would you say to dinner sometime this week?” He knew I was only in town for a few days but that wasn’t stopping him. I was touched by his persistence.
“Sure, that would be nice.” I smiled then realized I was happy, which was a surprise, considering.
“Here.” He took a folded piece of paper from the front pocket of his jeans. I opened it and saw his phone number. I wondered when he wrote it and put it in his pocket to give me, but it really didn’t matter . “Call me,” he said then turned back to Doug. Shayla looked over at the same time. It was comical, their little setup.
On The Mend
I knew when Shayla gave Doug a good night kiss that she was coming with Jessica and me. I also knew that the subject of my love life was not closed. This was going to be an interesting ride home. While I waited outside the brewery for Shayla, Scott joined me.
“Emily.” He took my hand. “It was great meeting you. I’m already looking forward to dinner.” I watched him walk to his car and waved as he dropped into the driver’s seat.
“Come on , girls.” Shayla yelled from Jessica’s car. Jessica ran up behind me and draped her arm across my