Russian Killer's Baby

Russian Killer's Baby Read Free

Book: Russian Killer's Baby Read Free
Author: Bella Rose
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what she wanted? It wasn’t like she was trying to play house with the man. She just wanted to take a ride on his bike—or whatever he was willing to offer.
    “Hello.” There was an unmistakable Russian flavor to the man’s words.
    Annika cocked her head to one side, utterly fascinated with the sexy timbre of his voice. She returned his greeting in Russian. “Good evening. Do you come to this bar very often? I haven’t ever seen you here before, and I thought I knew all the locals.”
    There was a brief flare of surprise in his dark eyes. “I’m new in town,” he returned in flawless Russian.
    Wren cleared her throat loudly. “Excuse me, could the two of you speak some English so the rest of us can keep up?”
    “Sorry,” the man said in a low, pleasant voice. “My name is Feliks. And you ladies are?”
    Annika smiled so wide she thought her face might split open. “My name is Annika. This is Wren.”
    “And we were just leaving ,” Wren told Annika pointedly.
    “Oh, you have to leave?” Annika asked her friend with over exaggerated sadness. “That’s too bad. I guess I’ll call you in the morning.”
    “Annika!” Wren snapped.
    Annika gave Wren a quick hug. “I’m fine. I promise.”
    Feliks put his hand over his heart. “I swear to behave myself at all times. Although I’m not entirely certain how I might vouch for my status as a non axe murderer.”
    Wren chuckled. “Which is exactly what a murderer would say.”
    “I know.” Feliks gave her a long-suffering sigh. “There is simply no way to assure you of my good intentions.”
    “I think she’s actually more worried about my intentions,” Annika told him with a laugh.
    “You’re incorrigible,” Wren scolded. “You better call me first thing tomorrow morning. No. Actually, you’d better call me late tonight. Understand?”
    “Yes, mama.”
    Wren left the bar and Annika behind. Feliks watched her friend go with an almost sad expression on his handsome face.
    “She means what she says about calling her,” Annika told him.
    The ghost of a smile touched his features. “Then she’s a good friend.”
    “Would you like a drink?” Annika waved to the bartender.
    “I think that’s my line.”
    “Pardon me for stealing it then.”
    Feliks leaned back against the bar, resting his elbows on the smooth mahogany surface. “I’m actually thinking I might like to get out of here.”
    “What’s my next line?” he asked, leaning in close and whispering the words right next to her ear.
    Excitement and arousal twined their way through Annika’s veins. This was exactly what she’d been looking for tonight. “Why don’t you come back to my place?”
    “Perfect,” he breathed. “I was just going to suggest that myself.”

Chapter Two
    Annika couldn’t help but think that she might be making the biggest mistake of her life. Unfortunately, she couldn’t bring herself to care. Feliks was a warm presence behind her in the narrow hallway leading to her apartment. There was nothing menacing about the feel of this man, though. She was confident that if he’d harbored ill intentions of some kind, her instincts would have warned her somehow. She was the daughter of Vadir Polzin. If anyone could spot ill will, it should have been her.
    Her key stuck in the lock. She gave it the requisite jiggle, and the old door popped open. She led Feliks into the dim interior of her tiny studio apartment. The space somehow seemed to shrink with him in it.
    “Nice,” he murmured. His dark gaze travelled toward the futon she slept on. “I especially appreciate the easy accessibility of the bed.”
    Annika felt a blush heat her cheeks. “I’m not the greatest housekeeper.”
    “I intend to mess it up anyway. Don’t you?” He  shrugged.
    The laugh bubbled up and once started, she couldn’t seem to stop giggling. She felt ridiculous, but she was excited and nervous, and somehow all the emotional turmoil had resulted in a complete giggle

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