was her first kiss ever and they always say your first love is the one you'll never forget. Although Alicia had never had a boyfriend before and even if she moves on in the future, she would never forget Darren. There was something special about this man and she couldn't put the puzzle pieces together with this one.
The rays of the sun touched Alicia's eyelids and slowly she began to open them. Where was she? Gazing around the area in a daze, she realized she was in a daze. it had only been a dream and last night had been her nightmare... but it was real. She groaned slightly, not wanting to wake up. Did her father kick Darren out and where would he have gone? She slipped into her bunny slippers as she got up out of bed, putting them on and then heading out the door. The house seemed incredibly quiet and except for the sound of her mother downstairs, making her coffee. Her mother was always so calm and would never get angry at anyone - unless they woke her up. Alicia knew by now that her dad had already told her mother what had happened. They have always kept close ties in communication and this is what Alicia hated... She moved into the kitchen, waiting for her mom to turn her back so she wouldn't see her. Alicia didn't want to be questioned. Her mother began to speak, with her back turned toward Alicia.
"Alicia.. you don't have to avoid me. Your father already told me what happened. Let's just talk like adults here... You aren't a child anymore and you are free to do whatever you like. Just try to make the right decisions. I don't want to see anything happen to you."
Alicia grumbled under her breathe. How could mom always tell she was near? Did she have eyes in the back of her head or was she just psychic? Alicia glanced over at her mother and noticed the mirror slightly above the fridge. Yeah - that's exactly what gave her away. It was always that mirror every time. Until she was ten years old, she really did believe her mom had eyes in the back of her head. When she hit 11 and saw that mirror, she finally came to her senses. Although now she would sometimes forget about it...
"Mom.. I'm really sorry. I feel bad for what I said to dad but he accused me of being on drugs. You both can give me a drug test if you want. I already learned my lesson... just go ahead."
At that moment, her mother had believe every word Alicia had said but there were still a few unanswered questions about how strange she was acting last night. Her mom decided to ignore it and figured maybe she had one too many margaritas last night. This didn't bother her, even though her daughter didn't drink but her Mom always had high suspicions. She decided to change the subject and remembered what had happened to her sister a few days ago....
"Okay, I believe you. Let's just drop it. I'll let dad know everything is okay. Listen Alicia... remember when your aunt was staying at that creepy home on 4th street?"
"Yeah, I remember" said Alicia, nodding her head. She wondered where her mother was going with this. Alicia remembered staying at her Aunt Milly's house last month and she was absolutely terrified. The house always creaked at night. On top of that, Alicia would see a tall shadow float past her room. It wasn't any shadow that would reflect from an object in front of a light... instead, it was something that watched her constantly. Sometimes she would fell frightened but most of the time she was okay. She believed that whatever it was, it was one of her family member's watching over her."
"Well, your aunt looked up the history of the house and she really does think it's haunted." exclaimed her mother.
"Uum, what do you mean? Why is that."
Chapter 10 - The Ghastly Truth
Her mother set down a few plates on the table and moved into the living room, gathering a few papers. Alicia squinted to look and saw that her mom had a pile of old newspapers. These newspapers were ancient and some of them were even falling apart. Her mother moved over to Alicia
Jesse Rev (FRW) Christopher; Jackson Mamie; Benson Till-Mobley