and showed her a single newspaper column. "Hun, read this... This is the same house as where your aunt was living." Her aunt had moved out about a week ago but she was still curious about the history of the house. There had to be something inside of it or maybe something happened there.. Alicia skimmed through the newspaper and read the words "Murder" outlined in a bold headline. She decided to skip the story and just look at the picture. There was a man with light blonde hair and a lace shirt with lace cuffs. He had a serious face, with thin lips. Immediately, Alicia froze over... realizing who it was. It was Darren in this picture and once her mind registered this, she couldn't even speak. Her mother moved her slightly, asking her what was wrong. The name of this particular newspaper was called the "Thirteen Colonies" and was a popular New Hampshire newspaper back in 1756. She could had wondered how her mother even retrieved this magazine with it being so old. It should have been in a museum somewhere. Even the exact geographical location of her aunt's home was printed out in the newspaper after she had read the whole story. And she had known for sure that it was Derrick as his last name read "Grenson". It could not be a coincidence or someone who was related to him. This was too far-fetched. It all made sense now after she read through the newspaper. Apparently, the boy had been murdered out in a nearby field. The autopsy revealed a large bump on his head and his murderer had knocked him out cold. She remembered when Darren had told her that he had fallen and hadn't remembered a thing... He was from another era of time and that explains his odd accent. This is how they spoke during 1756. Alicia steadied herself against the wall to avoid fainting. However, one thing still remains a mystery. How could Alia see Darren and her father wasn't able to see him? She knew exactly why he thought she was doing drugs. Immediately, she wanted to explain everything to her parents but she feared that they would think she was crazy and send her to a mental hospital. Alicia slowly walked to the door in disbelief and opened it, without saying a word to her mom. She glanced out at the fields of gold, expecting to see Darren again. There will always be some things that can never be explained, she thought...