Submission Dance

Submission Dance Read Free

Book: Submission Dance Read Free
Author: Lori King
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should turn in your Dom card, Lex, along with your
balls—if you can find them.”
    He grinned at her, and she held
her ground glaring back as if they were children playing a game of Face Off. For
several moments, they remained at an impasse until her anger cracked and she
puckered her lips in a pout. “You’re a pain in my ass, you know?”
    “I know, but you’re my sister, so
there’s nothing you can do about it. And for the record, I know exactly where
my balls are, thank you very much. When I’m ready for someone to play with
them, I’ll find someone. Until then, let’s get back to your situation. You have
a sub who’s in love with you—truly, madly, and deeply—but you’ve
been putting off a more permanent commitment, choosing to keep him on a leash,
but distant. He wants Wyatt even though the man hurt him, because he’s curious
about his own sexuality. You want him happy. He wants you happy. Wyatt wants
you happy. I’m really not seeing the issue. Give the pup a trial run and see
how it goes. If the boy can’t get it up and keep it up with your pet, then you
know there’s no future in it.”
    Ana groaned and shook her head. “You
have such an eloquent way of putting things, brother-mine. I’m not sure Foster
will see it so black and white. Wyatt made him doubt himself, and our
relationship the last time I…well…it’s in the past now, so it doesn’t matter.
He says he’s sorry and he wants to make it up to both of us. Perhaps a surprise
scene for Foster is in order. One with plenty of groveling and witnesses in
case Wyatt backs out.”
    “Make it clear that safewording
negates his chances of re-engaging you in the future, or he’ll play you like a
yo-yo on a string, Ana. Despite your current look, you and I both know you’ve
got a soft spot for the men in your life.” Lex picked up his glass once again
and winked at her.
    “I need to finish rounds. Thanks
for listening. I’ll consider what you said and decide later. Are you sticking
around or leaving early again?” She reached out and snatched his glass from his
hand, sipping his whiskey as if he’d offered it up.
    “Give me that!” he snapped,
tugging it back, “I don’t know how long I’ll stay. Kaia is with Mom until
Monday, and you know how much she loves being at Grandma’s. But what’s the
point of me being here? It’s not fun anymore,” he said, glaring at the glass as
though it held all of the pain he’d been chewing on for a decade.
    “You have to try, Lex. Take a sub
tonight, and see how it feels to be back in the saddle. Maybe it will change
everything.” Ana said, reaching out to pat his shoulder as she began to move
    “Bah, not likely. Get your ass in
gear woman. There are heathens to watch over, and I’d hate to have to report
your lax supervision to Killian.” He teased, trying to give her a menacing look
that turned into an affectionate smile when she just laughed and wandered away.
    He watched her leave, wondering
at her good fortune. Perhaps there was such a thing as happily ever after, but
it certainly had never found him. No, he wasn’t meant for fairytales.
    ~ ~ ~
    Marley’s attention was quickly
back on the tour after she left the pirate behind. She was flabbergasted at the
amount of space in the building, and the number of people finding some way to
debauch it. The entire main floor of the house was decorated in a modern style
with Mediterranean accents here and there, and she counted six separate rooms
that were occupied by couples or groups engaged in one fetish or another.
    In one, a woman hung suspended in
the air, woven into a decorative harness of ropes, while a man meticulously created
a braid around the curves of her body. The look on her face was utterly
beautiful, and Marley shivered as a wave of desire washed over her. Ropes
intrigued her and terrified her simultaneously. What if she had a panic attack
while tied up? She turned and pushed away from the room assuring herself

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