Submission Dance

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Book: Submission Dance Read Free
Author: Lori King
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you again for explaining the bracelets Mr. Craft, but how do you
obtain the bracelets?”
    “Foster, please Marley. I’m not a
Mister in any sense of the word. Most of the Dominants here have a pair of
bracelets on them. There are a few who skip them, and then of course, the ones
with permanent subs don’t bother because their subs are collared. The white
bracelet is for the submissive, and the black is for the Dominant. If you look
close there is a name printed in the plastic. It tells everyone that the sub is
taken for the night. It’s the best way to provide a visible temporary claim at
these parties. Some subs are hesitant to put on a Dom’s collar until they’ve
played with them a few times, so the Doms use the bracelets as a way of marking
their territory.” Foster explained. He held up his own braceleted wrist to show
her the embossed words, “Mistress Ana.”
    Marley surveyed him as she chewed
on the new information. He wore a pair of short shorts that clearly defined
that he was packing a significantly sized cock, and two matching straps
crisscrossed his lean chest. A black collar with spikes and an O-ring at the
front encircled his throat. He didn’t necessarily act like he was a sub, but he
was certainly dressed like one.
    “You’re wearing a collar, too,
though.” She said, and then grimaced when she realized how rude she sounded. “I’m
sorry; I can’t believe I said that. Just ignore me. I’m a little out of my
element tonight.”
    Foster gave her a sympathetic
smile, “It’s okay. The only way to learn is to ask questions, right? My
Mistress has collared me, but we wear bracelets because she’s a DM here, and
she wants to set an example.”
    “Dungeon Monitor.” Marley said
automatically. “Like the Kink Police, she makes sure everyone is playing safely.”
    He laughed, and nodded, “So you’re
not a complete tourist. Exactly right and I can’t wait to share that term with
her. She’ll love that title. She’s actually on duty until dinner, so I’m just
wandering around bored until she’s free.”
    “I see. So if I agree to play
with someone tonight he’ll give me a bracelet not a collar?” she asked,
frowning. That wasn’t what she had read in her books at all. Submissives were
supposed to wear collars, not bracelets.
    “Possibly, but you could end up
with a Dom who doesn’t use bracelets or you may decide not to even indulge
tonight, so don’t stress. There are couples here that don’t use collars at all,
some subs wear ankle bracelets, or rings, and a couple even have tattoos. We
pretty much prefer to allow everyone the ability to determine their own fate at
these parties. The bracelets are just available as an easy temporary fix if you
pair up with someone new for the night. A Dom has to have been approved by
Killian to receive a set of bracelets to carry. I get that you’re knew to BDSM,
but the first thing you have to understand is that each person, couple, or
group prefers to set their own rules. There are very few “golden” rules that
everyone abides by. The biggest one is R.A.C.K.”
    “Rack? As in everyone has to try
the rack?” she asked, feeling flummoxed by all of the misinformation filling
her head.
    “Risk Aware Consensual Kink.
Mainly all parties have to be in agreement on what the rules are before a scene
commences, and safety is the first and foremost priority of everyone involved.
Once a safeword is spoken all play stops, period. No exceptions.”
    Before she could question her new
friend further, dinner was announced. A flurry of activity happened in a matter
of moments as people appeared from every doorway pulling their clothes on and
making their way into the dining room.
    “Would you like to walk with me
to dinner, Marley? I can introduce you to my Mistress if you would be more
comfortable with some protection tonight.” Foster offered, as he gestured
toward the door everyone was filing through.
    Marley wasn’t sure she would be
able to keep

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