is what all of us need to become leaders in this new economy.â
â Finn Orjan Saele and Hilde Rismyhr Saele , co-founders, Zinzino AB, Scandinavia
âThere couldnât have been a better book to talk about the new safe and the new normal for those seeking prosperity than Risky is the New Safe; and there couldnât have been a better (and more fun!) person to write about it than Randy Gage . . . characteristically contrarian, at times controversial, and all the time real . . . This is for those who dare to step out of the discomfort of their comfort and dare to be part of the new world order, where opportunities and prosperity abound like no other. Itâs risky, just the way we like it!â
â Donna Imson , executive chairperson, QNet Ltd, Hong Kong
âFasten your seatbelts, Randy Gage takes you boldly where youâve never gone before. At warp speed he brilliantly explores disruptive technology, cloning, free markets, the ego, prosperity, and cataclysmic change. He brings it all together and shows the kind of critical thinking required for success, and why playing it safe is the greatest risk of all.â
â Kathy Zader , president, Zoom Strategies, Inc.
âIn this new world economy where there is more complexity, more uncertainty, but also more opportunity than ever before, you need Randy Gage. This book is required reading for winning on the new economic playing field.â
â Patrick Stinus , co-founder, Seventh Element LLC
âIn this thought-provoking book, Randy Gage brilliantly illuminates the path for entrepreneurs who are open to new ways of thinking about prosperity and success.â
â Gina Carr , MBA, CEO, Gina Carr International
âJust like the genie, Gage is out of the bottle with his focused road map for embracing the future. Risky is the New Safe offers transformative perspective with a shot of inspiration. It will help you get out of the safety zone, embrace risk, and move ahead of the future.â
â Ruby Newell-Legner , CSP, author of 7 Star Service Culture â Turn Every Customer into a Fan
Cover image and design: Paul McCarthy
Copyright © 2013 by Randy Gage. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada.
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Jesse Rev (FRW) Christopher; Jackson Mamie; Benson Till-Mobley