Risky is the New Safe

Risky is the New Safe Read Free

Book: Risky is the New Safe Read Free
Author: Randy Gage
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Do When There’s Too Much to Do , and 2011–2012 president, National Speakers Association
    â€œThis book is pure genius. I love it. You won’t just get a glimpse of the future . . . it will hit you like a fire hose! And within a few pages, you’ll realize that if you don’t embrace the change NOW, you’ll be left behind. Randy exposes the blatant transformation that is occurring right in front of our eyes . . . yet most are blind to it. These are game-changing trends that you must pay attention to.”
    â€” Jordan Adler , author of Beach Money
    â€œIf you’re trying to decide if you should take a chance on buying this book, you’re exactly the person who needs to read it! Twenty years from now people will look back and ask: How did Randy know all this was going to happen?”
    â€” Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz , authors of Go for No!®
    â€œRiveting and exhilarating, Risky is the New Safe wakes you up with an ice-cold shower of disillusionment followed by a revitalizing bath of possibilities. Randy Gage shows how the rules have changed, and how you can win by daring to be different. Speaking especially to the entrepreneurial spirit, this book prepares us for what may turn out to be the most exciting time in human history.”
    â€” Dr. Josephine Gross , editor-in-chief, Networking Times
    â€œRandy Gage has done it again. Risky is the New Safe will likely be another runaway bestseller. Why? Because it goes directly to the heart of how fast the rules of engagement are changing—head spinning fast. And for most of us these rules are like water to a fish . . . fairly invisible. Gage shines the spotlight on what we all need to do differently to win in this new game—both from a business and marketing viewpoint, to our own personal transformation.”
    â€” Richard Bliss Brooke , author of Mach II with Your Hair on Fire: The Art of Vision & Self Motivation
    â€œGage did it again! I was shocked, upset, entertained, captivated, and educated while reading this book. Risky is the New Safe made me evaluate my current strategy in business and in my life. Make sure that you buy, read and implement the teachings of this book. It is too risky not to.”
    â€” Jeremiah Bradley , co-CEO, Agel Enterprises
    â€œThis is a book for today . . . short, impactful, and strategic. These mind-changing concepts are designed to teach you how to be an effective entrepreneur in this brave new world.”
    â€” Mark Yarnell , bestselling author of 11 books on business, personal development, and network marketing
    â€œGood books make you think. Great books make you think differently. Amazing books make you think in creative and innovative ways for success. Changing your thinking about what is ‘safe’ and what is ‘risky’ today is imperative for success. This book will show you the tools—and the right way to think—to succeed in this turbulent, completely different world. Get it and devour it!
    â€” Terry Brock , author of Moving From Thinking “No Way” to “Net Yet!”
    â€œThe first think you’ll notice in Risky is the New Safe is that Gage doesn’t tell you what to do. If that annoys you, you’ve identified the greatest challenge to your success. Randy’s doing something far more important . . . provoking you and me to think differently in order to reveal the possibilities that have been lying in wait since before our first breath. The irony is we were closer to those possibilities as infants than we are now as adults. If you let it, this book will give you the courage to claim what is yours.”
    â€” Ian Percy , innovation and possibilities expert
    â€œThis is a manifesto—a global warning—against the status quo. When Randy Gage rails against the machine, you better listen . . . carefully.”
    â€” Mark Schaefer , author of Return On Influence and The Tao of Twitter
    â€œMove over Darwin:

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