Selina?” Steve asked.
She really wanted to answer him but was so overcome with fear and she guessed, as Gary had said, “shock” that she couldn’t get her mouth to work with her brain. Gary carried her into his office and sat down with her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, gently rocking and crooning to help calm her down.
“Shh, it’s all right, baby. You’re safe. The police are on their way. We won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Selina listened to the sound of his deep, soothing voice, and slowly her body began to quiet. Her teeth stopped chattering, and the shaking diminished to intermittent shudders. Finally she slumped against his chest, her eyes closed, and breathed in his familiar masculine scent with the underlying fragrance of pine. Her eyes snapped open to meet Steve’s concerned blue eyes when she felt warm hands rubbing soothingly on her lower thighs. He was on eye level with her since he was squatting down in front of her.
“Are you okay, sugar? Did you get hurt when you hit the ground?”
“I—I don’t know. I think I’m all right,” she answered in a shaky voice.
She watched as Steve took her hands into his own and gently turned them over to inspect them closely. She looked down, confused when she noticed that her palms were dirty and grazed, blood seeping from her torn flesh. Once she saw that she was indeed hurt, if only mildly, her grazes as well as her aches and pains seemed to make themselves known. Her ass and left hip were throbbing from where she had hit the ground, and her ribs felt achy where Gary had landed against her as he tried to protect her. She knew he hadn’t meant to hurt her, therefore she wasn’t about to tell Steve. She didn’t want Gary to feel guilty.
She heard the police sirens stop outside the office and pushed up off Gary’s lap, forcing Steve to stand and back up a few steps to give her room. She couldn’t quite contain a wince of pain as her aching muscles and burning hands protested her movement, but she quickly smoothed her face into an expressionless mask.
“Later we’ll talk about who might want to shoot you, sugar, and when you answer, you’d better tell the truth.” Steve pinned her with his cool, blue-eyed stare.
Selina watched him warily until he turned away from her and headed out into the reception area to greet the police. She heard Gary move behind her and looked over her shoulder and up into his cool green eyes.
“I’m glad you’re all right, baby, but we will talk after we have dealt with the police. Come on out to the reception area.” Taking her by the elbow, he guided her out of the office.
She was nervous about dealing with the police. She’d had to deal with law enforcement back in her hometown only a couple of months ago, and things hadn’t gone as they should have. She hoped that this time would be a lot better and that Gary and Steven wouldn’t look at her differently when she told her story to the cops. She knew she was going to have to explain everything to the officers, and she wasn’t looking forward to seeing the reaction of her two bosses. She prayed they wouldn’t look at her with pity or decide she was going to be too much trouble to keep in their employ.
Steve followed her and Gary as they stepped into the reception area. He walked over to her and placed his arm around her shoulders, steering her toward the sofa positioned alongside the far wall. He helped to seat her in the center and sat down to her right while Gary took the seat to her left. She could feel their body heat, and even though she was still feeling achy, her pussy decided it liked the sensation. Her cunt clenched and released, leaking her juices onto her panties and leaving them wet and slippery. She gripped her hands together and then winced as her injured palms burned.
“Selina, this is Detective Crispin Slater and his partner, Russ Lyon. This is our personal assistant, Selina Bauer,” Steve said.
“Hi, Selina,” Crispin