Mr. Right

Mr. Right Read Free

Book: Mr. Right Read Free
Author: J. S. Cooper
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cute, so just tell me if you’re going to go home with him tonight.”
    “Jess, what sort of girl do you think I am?” She giggled as she turned to look at the guy. I watched as her eyes widened and she started playing with her hair. That was a telltale sign that Alyssa was into a guy. She always played with her hair when she was trying to flirt with someone. I grinned as I watched her batting her eyelids and wondered if I should go home so she wouldn’t feel conflicted about leaving with the guy. “Jess, I don’t know what sort of vision you have, but Mr. McHottie is not checking me out,” she said finally as she looked back at me.
    “What? I saw him staring over here.” I frowned. Was I completely out of it?
    “He’s checking you out.” She looked over at me and winked. “As much as I would love to snag him for myself, he’s totally into you.”
    “You think so?” I looked over again and stared right at him. I told you, I have no game. This time I looked at him for at least a minute, and Alyssa was right. He was totally checking me out. Normally, I would have looked away because I’m actually quite shy, but there was something about his gaze that halted me from looking away. I told you it was electrifying, and magnetizing and crazy all at the same time. And he didn’t stop looking at me either. I’ve never had that before—that moment when you share a moment with someone you don’t really know and feel lost. I felt like we were the only two people in the bar in that moment. Even Alyssa, who I knew was standing there, suddenly fell away from my peripheral vision. It felt like some special movie moment, only it was really happening. And to me. And then he started walking towards me, while still making eye contact. And I thought I was going to lose my mind. My heart started racing, my fingers started trembling, my stomach was in knots and the thoughts in my brain were racing at a hundred miles a minute. Each second and step that he took only seemed to increase my anxiety and awareness of him.
    “Oh, my God, Jess,” Alyssa said loudly. “McHottie is walking towards us. Oh, my God.”
    “I know,” I said, snapping out of my reverie. “What should I do?” I tried not to squeal because that’s totally uncool, but I’m not sure I was able to hold it back.
    “Just be cool. We’re cool. Act cool. Ignore him and play hard to get.”
    “Okay.” I nodded. “Hard to get. That’s what I’ll do.” I looked at her and then snuck a peek back at McHottie and he was still walking towards me and was only a few yards away. I thought I was going to faint. I looked back at Alyssa and tried to think of something to say. “Say something,” I whispered at her urgently. “I don’t want him to just show up and we’re standing here, just sitting and not saying anything.”
    “What should I say?” she asked, obviously trying to think hard.
    “I don’t know. Anything. Ask me about work or anything you want.”
    “I thought you didn’t want to talk about work right now?” She made a face. “I thought you said yesterday that your boss was getting on your nerves and you were worried that you might get laid off soon.”
    “I didn’t say that I might get laid off soon. I said that there might be layoffs soon because my boss is a jackass who doesn’t like to do her work and she’s always trying to…” My voice trailed off as I felt his presence behind me. He hadn’t said anything yet, but I knew he was there. I knew that he was right behind me because my entire body felt like it was on fire.
    “Hello, can I buy you ladies a drink?” a deep, smooth, sexy voice said from behind me. How could it be possible that this guy was even more perfect than just his looks? It didn’t seem right. How could he look and sound sexy? Of course, at that point, I had nothing to compare him to. I didn’t know that he was just the beginning of the sexy train.
    “Yes, thanks,” Alyssa said eagerly in response to McHottie,

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