have to go to Dad for a loan.” Mr. Clarke snorted. “It’s not a business if he gives me the money every time I need to have more.”
“No. But you are one of the wealthiest families in the country. I’m very sure that your father can afford to give his only child a little extra to help her make a dream come true.” She was sure he would, but that wasn’t standing on her own two feet. “I have a call from your father. I’ll see you at the bank shortly.”
Holly was at the bank just as Georgie was pulling in. It hurt her to see how much the woman looked weighted down; more so knowing that Georgie was working harder to keep what was hers more than any of the others Holly had helped. But it was a good plan. A very sound plan, and she was going to make it work.
“Georgie? It’s Holly Snow, do you remember me?” The hug that the older woman gave her brought back so many memories that she had to fight the tears. When Georgie pulled back and looked at her, Holly no longer even tried. She was crying as well. “I’ve been trying to contact you for ages.”
“I’ve had some…I’ve been sort of busy. Oh my, how you have turned into a lovely young woman. Goodness, your father must be proud of you.” Holly told her that he was. “We have to catch up, child. Why don’t you come out to the ranch and let’s see if you’ve forgotten any of the lessons that I taught you?”
“I’m not even going to embarrass myself by showing you how little I’ve practiced. But I do want to talk to you. It’s about the bank.” They both looked up at the large imposing building. “I want to help you and your family. I’ve been looking into things for you and a lot of other ranches, and I think I can help you catch up.”
“Oh dear, that’s very sweet of you, but I can handle them.” Holly was shaking her head. Georgie looked at her, then at the bank again, before continuing without looking back. “How did you find out?”
“I’ve been…there are more farms going under than not. And when I had Mr. Clarke look into it, your name came across my desk. I can help. I want to help.” Georgie turned then, and she could see what it was costing her to tell her no. “Don’t do that. Don’t tell me no, Georgie. I want to help you. I told Dad about it this morning and he said that he wanted to help you as well. He said you were a good woman and had done so much for us that he wanted to help you as well.”
“We’re nearly under, child. It would take a great deal more than your pen money to save us.” Holly nodded and told her she knew how much. “I can’t do that. I can’t let you use your money to help us. I’m not even sure…I don’t know if I’ll ever have the money to pay you back. And there is so much more than what we owe the bank. So much more.”
“I know, Georgie. I know it all. I’ve been…let’s go and talk to the banker and get this part straightened out. Then we can go and have a nice lunch and talk about the rest of it.” Georgie looked like she wanted to say okay, but Holly just grabbed her arm and led her into the bank. “I have this great place in mind where they serve those little meatballs like my aunt used to make. You remember her? Aunt Caroline?”
“Worst cook in five counties.” Holly laughed and said that was her. “I heard that she passed away recently. I’m sorry to hear about that.”
“Me too. I miss her all the time.” Entering the bank together caused heads to turn. She knew it was because of her name, but thought very little else about what people thought of her. Usually it was good things, but there were a few, like the bank manager, that thought she should have been using his bank and not her father’s. It was one of many sore points that she and the banker exchanged harsh words over when they were together.
They had to wait for fifty minutes. In that time not only had Mr. Clarke shown up, but also a few people from her office. Two of them left, but one, Sharon