Jace: The Pride of the Double Deuce

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Book: Jace: The Pride of the Double Deuce Read Free
Author: Kathi S. Barton
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advantages, but right now the only thing he could think of was shifting and going in and tearing the throat out of every one of the assholes. He looked at Jace when he laughed again.
    “I’m thinking that if we do that, shift and go in on a killing spree, we’ll end up shot or worse yet, behind bars too. And the only bar I want to be around is one that serves cold beers. Not one with bars on the windows.” Mason stretched his neck as Jace continued. “I’m sure that it’s just a simple misunderstanding, and once we find out what it is, we can take her home.”
    “Sure it is.” Mason looked at the door as cops went in and out of the door. “That man on the phone, the one that called you a few minutes ago, what did he have to say about this?”
    “That Aunt Georgie and his client were arrested and taken to jail. He mentioned that his client was harmed but not how badly, and that her father was on his way.” A huge limo pulled up beside them and they both watched as the very well-dressed man went inside. “I’m assuming that’s someone for the bank.”
    Mason just nodded. They should go in, but he was almost afraid to. Not that he didn’t want to get his aunt, but he didn’t want to have to kill someone today. He’d already had a bad enough day as it was. When Jace got out of his truck, Mason followed. Might as well get it over with.
    The station was quiet. Not like there was no music playing in the background, but it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The well-dressed man was standing at the large window that he knew was the place to pay tickets and to get information, and he did not look any happier than the man behind the glass did. Mason had a feeling that the cop on the other side was glad for the bullet proof glass.
    “And if she had one single scratch on her that she didn’t have this morning when she left my house, either of the women, I will personally make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?” The jowls on the cop shook as he nodded. “Bring. Her. To. Me.”
    Mason might have laughed if he wasn’t concerned that the man would turn his wrath on him. The man had a serious temper and Mason was impressed. In fact, it made his cat sort of calm just listening to the man. When he did turn, he stared at Mason and Jace for several seconds before he put out his hand.
    “You’re the Douglas men, aren’t you?” Mason nodded, and Jace said yes. “You look like your father. Wonderful man, your dad. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him and your mother.” They both shook his hand, and Mason realized he was human.
    His voice was strong but no longer pissed. He spoke to them like he was their friend with neither of them having a clue, if the look on his brother’s face was any indication. Before he could ask him who he was and how he knew their parents, a cop came around the short gate and cleared his throat before speaking.
    “She said she won’t come out until you go back there and talk to her. She’s thinking that we’re lying to her. I don’t know why.” All three of them snorted, and Mason smiled. There was something about this man that he really liked. Jace moved closer to the cop and sniffed him. The cop backed away.
    “He’s not lying.” Mason nodded and noticed that the man did as well. “Whoever it is you’re waiting on won’t come out until you go back. And so you know, he smells like Aunt Georgie too.”
    “Georgie is back there as well? Damn it all to hell and back. Where are they? And you’ll take these men back with me as well.” Almost as soon as the words were out of the man’s mouth, they were headed to the cells. “My name is Palmer Snow. My daughter is the pigheaded one that is making demands.”
    “I heard you, Dad. I’m hurt, not deaf.” The voice came from deep within the cells. As they got closer to the end, Mason could smell blood. While not a lot of it, it was fresh. When Aunt Georgie stood up in front of the other woman on

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