Guest, her personal assistant, stayed. Holly was talking to her dad when they were finally called back. Nigel was close to getting her dander up, as her aunt used to say, and he still might.
“I’m not sure why you thought it necessary to bring someone with you, Miss Douglas, but I assure you that this is just about a done deal.” Holly gripped her hand when Georgie started to talk to the banker. “Here, Georgie; you just need to sign over the deed and we’ll take possession right away. Then all this fuss will be over with and you can find—”
“I’m not going to sign anything. I’m here…I’d like to know the balance of what I owe.” Holly had told her to ask, and when he seemed to sputter about her question, Georgie asked him again. “The amount. Surely you know how much you think you’re going to foreclose on me with. I’d think if you don’t know it right off the top of your head, with all the extra time you had while you made us wait, I’d be afraid to put my money in a bank like yours.”
“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have any then, isn’t it? I have no idea what you think to gain by this show of temper, Miss Douglas, but if you’d just sign the papers, we can—”
“She’s not signing the papers. I’m going to pay her debt off.” Mr. Rogers looked at Holly, then at Georgie. His burst of laughter made her pissed, but she held her temper as best she could. “And when I do pay this off, I’d like the deed turned over to us, please. Today. I have a notary waiting to mark it as paid in full.”
“You think you can just come in here and pay off this debt like you own the place?” Holly nodded. That was exactly what she thought. “We want this property, and don’t think we don’t know about the others you’ve gone in to help as well. They’re going to be contacting you as soon as tomorrow that they’ve changed their minds. I will have all their deeds back by the end of the day.”
“Not this one, you won’t. Either tell me how much the outstanding amount is, or I’ll call someone who will help me.” She had meant her dad, but he assumed the police and laughed at her when she stood up.
“The police won’t do shit to help you. And sit your pretty ass down. Miss Douglas is going to do what she’s told or she’ll be out on her ass by tonight.” He shoved the file at Georgie. “It’s all marked. Sign it and get out of my bank. Riff raff like you should know better than to try and run your own farm. It’s a small wonder you were able to make it this long, but I want it over now.”
The next few minutes were a blur of anger. Holly remembered picking up the wooden name placard on his deck and swinging it, but not much more than that. As she was tackled to the floor, her purse flying, she saw Sharon knocked back as well. Fuck, her dad was going to be pissed.
Chapter 2
Mason drove like a man possessed. He supposed that he was. He’d never been so angry in his entire life. That fucker had hurt his aunt. Mason glanced over at Jace when he told him to slow down.
“If you kill us before we get there, Aunt Georgie is going to be even more pissed at us. She already said to not come down.” Mason huffed. “Well, that’s what she said. She said someone was coming to get them and she’d be home for dinner. Oh shit, I forgot to get out the hamburger before you tore me out of the kitchen. I’m blaming it all on you if she’s mad about that.”
“Yeah, like any of us were going to wait at the house after that call.” Mason did lighten the pressure on the gas pedal. “Did she say anything else? Like what the hell the man had been thinking about, arresting her? Mother fuck, I hate that prick. Jones has been a pain in my ass since I went to ask him for a car loan ten years ago. Motherfucker is going to pay if she’s got a single hair out of place.”
As soon as they pulled in front of the police station, Mason tried to calm his cat. Being a cougar had its
C. D. Wright, William Carlos Williams