Isabella's Heiress

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Book: Isabella's Heiress Read Free
Author: N.P. Griffiths
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trousers. At just over six foot, he was taller than her and she could see the source of the noise now: a set of shiny black Oxford shoes. His blue eyes, framed by a shock of black hair falling loosely either side, looked out from a lived-in face.
    â€œYou need not fear me, Emma,” the man said. “My name is Eamon, I am here to help you.” As he spoke the lines on his face melted away.
    Emma had no idea who this man was but his eyes had akindness to them that put her at ease. “I can’t move.” The words barely made it past her throat.
    Father Eamon smiled. “Ah, the thickening, I almost forgot. Well, we can fix that.”
    Father Eamon placed a hand firmly on Emma’s right shoulder, holding her eyes with his. For her part, Emma felt a warm rushing sensation spread out and envelop her entire body. The numbness disappeared, replaced by a dizziness that took her by surprise. She started to fall, only to find herself being caught and gently lowered to the ground.
    â€œWalk with me, Emma. It will help you get the feeling back into your legs.” The man’s voice betrayed a slight brogue as he offered her his hand. Emma accepted and he pulled her up.
    â€œWho are you?” Emma’s voice was cracked and weak and it was an effort to form the words.
    â€œThat is for some near time. The important thing is that you walk. Tell me, what do you remember of the happenings that brought you here?”
    Emma frowned as she heard the question. “What do you mean, happenings?”
    A smile slipped across the man’s face. “Forgive me, my ways must seem strange to you. I mean to say, do you know why you are here?”
    â€œDo you know where you are?”
    â€œOf course I know where I am. London….I think.” Emma thought back to the sign she had walked into a short while earlier. It had come out of nowhere, conveniently obscured by the mist. The resulting throb in her left leg had also confirmed that she wasn’t in the middle of some bad dream.
    Father Eamon’s mouth curled up to the right. “That’s good. Do you know your name?”
    â€œIt’s Emma.” She struggled for her surname but found nothing.
God, what’s wrong with me?
    â€œYour full name is Emma Elliott and you have been through a deeply traumatic event. It will take time to adjust.”
    â€œAdjust to what? What is this place?”
    Father Eamon paused before answering, weighing his words carefully before he spoke. “You have moved to a twilight world, Emma. I am here to guide you.”
    Emma looked at Father Eamon, trying to take in what he had just said. She started to back away from him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    Father Eamon nodded. “Of course not, that is understandable. It is not unusual for someone who has been through what you have to wipe it from their memory.”
    â€œSomeone who has been through what I have?” Emma knew she was going to regret asking the next question but she didn’t see what else she could do. “What have I been through?”
    â€œYou were involved in an accident whilst going to work.”
    Emma took a step back and nearly fell off the kerb. “I don’t remember an accident.”
    Father Eamon smiled but Emma could see that something was distracting him.
    â€œEmma, it would be imprudent to stay out here any longer than we need to. There is a place we can go where you will be safe. We can talk there.”
    Emma’s eyes narrowed. “That’s okay, I think I’ll stay here.”
    â€œAnd do what? There is no one else here but us. If you stay here no good will come of it, Emma.”
    Emma couldn’t be sure but it sounded to her like this man’s voice was a little tighter than it had been only a few minutes earlier. He paused for a second before continuing. When he did, there was an added urgency to his words. “Emma, I must show

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