I'll Get By

I'll Get By Read Free

Book: I'll Get By Read Free
Author: Janet Woods
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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you might have made a better doctor than a nurse if you’d been given the chance.’
    ‘Oh, don’t let’s get into this women’s rights thing when you’re hardly through the door. I wanted to be a nurse ever since I can remember. Take your case up then come to the kitchen. I’ll make us a cup of tea. Unless you’d rather make your own, now you’re independent and filled with idealistic notions about improving the world.’
    ‘It’s called progress, Aunt Es.’
    ‘There’s not much progress going on as far as I can see. Still, they say that while men are talking they’re not fighting. It’s about time we women were consulted, but don’t tell anyone I said that.’
    Meggie smiled. ‘I do love you, Aunt Es. You never talk down to me or think I’m still a child.’
    ‘You’re not a child, Meggie. You’re a little immature at times, but that’s to be expected since you haven’t been out of the family circle much, and we all have our moments of rebellion. I know you were joking, but being part of the women’s naval service wouldn’t do you any harm. Don’t close your eyes to what’s going on around you, but yes, do look to the future. The world is in a mess. Most people are convinced there will be another war.’
    ‘Do you think so?’
    ‘It seems to be heading in that direction. Your generation will have their work cut out putting the world back together again afterwards, and you will need some useful skills. I went into nurses training at your age, and although it was good to get out from under the family scrutiny and experience some independence, I soon learned that I knew very little. Having a family to turn to was comforting.’
    Her aunt gave her a hug. ‘But here I am, lecturing you already. No doubt university will broaden your social life and open your mind to new ways of thinking. I just hope you haven’t based your career choice on your need to prove your independence, though. There’s much to be said for being a wife and mother. You only have to look at your own mother to see that.’
    Meggie hadn’t based her choice on anything, but now the idea of joining the navy had appeared in her head it was proving to be quite an attractive proposition. The trouble was, she kept changing her mind. She shelved the idea for the moment. ‘I’ve thought it over seriously. I was going to ask you to talk to Mummy on my behalf once I’ve sorted everything out. She always listens to you. Would you mind?’
    ‘Who’s a little scaredy-cat then? Yes, I actually do mind being used as a go-between now you’re an adult. You owe your mother the respect of discussing it with her, Meggie. You know she doesn’t like me to interfere.’
    Meggie sighed. ‘I thought you’d say that.’
    ‘Then why ask? How are my sister and brother?’
    ‘Mother is well. She’s helping Uncle Chad redecorate Nutting Cottage, so when he and Sylvia are married, they’ll be able to live in it until they can afford to buy a place of their own. Wasn’t Sylvia your friend at school?’
    ‘She was one of them. We were part of a small crowd, and we had a lot of fun together. Her parents moved to Bournemouth in our final year at school, and we lost touch when I started my nurses training. Sylvia and Chad should suit each other. She was quiet, but capable, and good at organizing people.’
    ‘You’ll be coming down for the wedding in September, won’t you?’
    ‘Would I miss my twin brother’s wedding? I’ve already booked a weekend off and so has Leo.’
    ‘I’ll miss you when you go to Australia.’
    ‘And I’ll miss you. Now off you go and unpack. Leo will be home soon.’
    ‘If he can find his way.’
    ‘He will. He uses the underground and has got built-in radar. A bit like your policeman.’
    ‘Do you suppose the sergeant will come for tea on Friday?’
    ‘I hope not.’
    ‘Why . . . didn’t you like him?’
    ‘He has charmer written all over him, and he’s too old for you, Meggie. You shouldn’t have

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