I'll Get By

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Book: I'll Get By Read Free
Author: Janet Woods
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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‘I’m still your favourite woman, then.’
    ‘Always. What’s been happening, anything I should know about?’
    ‘Meggie arrived. She had a police sergeant in tow carrying her suitcase.’
    He raised an eyebrow.
    ‘She took it into her head to use public transport and then lost her way in the fog. She invited him for morning tea as a thank you, and I suggested he come on Friday, which is your day off. You don’t mind do you, darling?’
    ‘You want me to babysit Meggie on my day off?’ He groaned. ‘Am I wrong in believing she’s an adult at nearly eighteen?’
    ‘And still has the smell of the schoolroom on her. Sergeant Blessing is an attractive man . . . and twenty-five at least.’
    He grinned. ‘Ah yes . . . twenty-five. I remember it well.’
    She poked a finger in his stomach. ‘Not too well if you value your life.’
    ‘Does she fancy the bobby then? The last thing I want to deal with is a lovesick teenager.’
    ‘Not yet . . . but she will if he works at it, because she’s of an age to fall in love for the first time.’
    ‘Do you want me to see him off?’
    ‘Men understand the nuances of men much better then women do. When a woman sees an attractive man her brain immediately sizes him up as a possible mate and her hormones begin to rumba.’
    ‘And I thought it was my Australian accent that made you rumba. Just tell the policeman to bugger off . . . he should understand the nuance in that, whoever delivers it.’
    Laughter filled her. ‘Stop grumbling like an old bear. I more or less told you to do the same thing on several occasions. You took no notice.’
    He laughed. ‘Your dancing hormones must have deafened me . . . besides I knew you adored me right from the moment we met. You just needed a little encouragement.’
    ‘You’re encouraging me to beat you up at the moment. Stop being so provocative. Will you keep an eye on Meggie, or not?’
    He nodded. ‘I’ll hang around like a bad smell and glower.’
    When he demonstrated she kissed his ear and whispered, ‘I adore it when you glower, you remind me of an amiable bloodhound.’
    Footsteps clattered down the stairs before he had time to howl, and Meggie burst through the door. Smiles radiated from her like sunshine as she flung her arms around him. ‘Hello, Uncle Leo.’
    ‘You’re strangling me,’ he grumbled, but he hugged her back and kissed her cheek before they let each other go.
    ‘Are you pleased to see me?’
    He gave her a stern look. ‘Since I value my peace and quiet, certainly not. I understand you’ve been dragging stray coppers in off the streets.’
    ‘Only one; I’m not going to make a habit of it.’
    ‘Good answer, Meggie.’ Esmé could have kissed him when he said, ‘I hope he doesn’t stay long because if the day is clear I intend to hire a Tiger Moth and take you flying. It will take us half an hour to get to the airfield.’
    ‘Oh . . . that’s absolutely wonderful. You’re the caterpillar’s clogs, Uncle Leo.’
    ‘Good Lord, am I? That takes some thinking about. Thank you, sweetheart . . . I think.’
    ‘It’s my turn to cook the dinner so I’d better get on with it,’ Esmé said. ‘It’s grilled lamb chops, boiled vegetables and gravy. The vegetables are prepared, so it won’t take me long.’
    ‘Can I help?’
    ‘Yes . . . you can set the table if you like, then take Leo a glass of white wine. He likes to relax and listen to the radio before dinner.’
    ‘Why don’t you relax with him while I cook dinner? I often cook it at home, and that’s for six of us. I’m quite good at it, I promise. Besides, Leo looks as though he needs some company.’
    ‘Especially the company of a good looking popsie like you, Es,’ he invited.
    Esmé bestowed a smile on him. ‘That would be lovely, Meggie. Thank you so much. I’ll fetch the wine.’
    Leo gazed from one to the other and grinned, as though he’d realized that having two women in the house looking after him might be good for his

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