A Deal with Lord Devlin

A Deal with Lord Devlin Read Free

Book: A Deal with Lord Devlin Read Free
Author: Jennifer Ann Coffeen
Tags: Regency
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closer to the dwindling flames, paying no attention to the hem of her gown when it brushed up against a stray piece of coal. “Thoughtless, deceiving man! He thinks he can just court me for weeks and profess his love—”
    “Your gown…” Lucy tumbled forward, scattering oranges everywhere. “Oh, Mama’s sculpture! This is awful!”
    “He has ruined me!” Charlotte flung another strip into the fire. “The final nail in my coffin. I shall never be invited back into polite society again— What is that terrible smell?”
    “You’re burning!” Lucy screamed.
    A pair of strong arms pulled her from the fireplace at the very moment she realized her gown was on fire.
    Charlotte let out a scream as the ashes from the half-burnt paper went flying through the air, fluttering all around her like a gray blizzard. She was on fire! Horrible Andrew had caused her to catch on fire!
    “Water, Lucy!” a male voice barked out.
    Charlotte’s backside hit the floor. The room was thrown into chaos as Lucy ran about grabbing vases to dump on the blazing skirt.
    “Here!” In her panic, the young girl tossed one entire vase, roses and all, toward Charlotte’s head.
    Charlotte managed to duck just in time, but her savior was not so lucky. She heard a loud crack, followed by an even louder expletive, as the vase found a target. She peered back to see a rather wet gentleman dressed in the most hideous color she’d ever seen.
    “Lord Devlin!” she cried, recognizing the Earl’s dark frown as he looked up at her, rubbing his left temple. “And just what do you think you’re doing?”
    “Hardly the greeting I deserve for saving your life,” he retorted, smacking at the lace of her rather charred underskirt. “And just what do you think you’re doing, jabbing at the fireplace?”
    She gasped, yanking the delicate lace out of his reach to cover every inch of her exposed ankles. How dare he speak in such a saucy tone, and after knocking her down, to boot! He should be assisting her to her feet and apologizing.
    “I found her all alone in here!” Lucy contributed, eager to help. “Mama said no one was allowed in the Oriental room, but I don’t think she meant any harm. Lady Mallen, did the flames touch your skin? Shall I have them call for a doctor?”
    “I am fine, Lucy.” She impatiently brushed a few droplets of water from her arm before turning back to the gentleman in front of her. “Do not trouble yourself, sir. I am quite unharmed.”
    “I can see that,” he said, rising unsteadily to his feet. “Thanks to me. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to stand so close to an open flame?”
    He didn’t look as though he expected an answer to his insulting question, and she wasn’t about to grace him with one.
    “I’ll have you know,” she snapped, still sitting on the floor, surrounded by flower petals, ashes, and torn paper, “that I was attempting to burn a most despicable love letter, from your cousin.”
    Lucy gasped as Lord Devlin peered down at her, his eyes sharply blue through the gold rim of his absurd monocle. “We have forty-seven first cousins, madam. You will have to be more specific.”
    She bristled at his tone. How was she supposed to know he had that many relatives? Her cousins numbered six. “I am speaking of your cousin Sir Andrew Greenshaw,” she replied tartly. She was certain that would gain her a bit of respect.
    The Earl drew back as though she held a plate full of spoiled fish. “Then I have no doubt your letter contains nothing but rubbish.”
    Charlotte didn’t care one bit for his superior tone. How dare this man insult his own family? “Andrew may be a lying gabster, but he is twice the gentleman you are. He never spoke ill of his family and would never leave a lady sitting on the floor.” She crossed her arms, enjoying the tinge of embarrassment across the Earl’s face.
    “Andrew does have rather good manners,” Lucy chimed in, gaining a harsh glare from her

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