Hells Royalty The Princess

Hells Royalty The Princess Read Free

Book: Hells Royalty The Princess Read Free
Author: Jessica Wennberg
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and headed back to my Jeep to collect my locker from the back along with what
groceries that were still salvageable.  Luckily I had unpacked my heavy
gear at the house before heading out; otherwise there would be some serious

Chapter 3--Details, Details, Details
    Despite my efforts to object to the paramedics, police, and
the idiot known as Jace Matthews---who now reminds me of that Dean Winchester
brother from that Supernatural TV show-they all made me go to the
hospital.  Two hours, a seriously bad mood, and a lot of confused people
later, I walked out of the hospital.
    "It's a miracle.  There is nothing else that could
explain why you aren't injured.  I mean even the doctors believed that you
should have had at least one broken rib or something.  Maybe they read the
results wrong or something.  I should take you to the county hospital,
maybe they will have a different answer, and they have better equipment. 
I will pay for it."  Matthews was following me out and being very
    "Okay that is enough.  I have had it with you, I
am fine.  I had a lot of blood loss because of my hemophilia, I didn't
break anything because I paid a lot of money and I had my Jeep reinforced to
help protect me, which it did, but now thanks to you it is sitting at a
junkyard, getting ready to be towed back to my home so I can go over it and
recover what parts I want.  It's not a freaking miracle, it's just
me.  And if I thought that this hospital wasn't competent I would take
myself to the nearest professional and I wouldn't need nor want your money to
pay for it.  I can pay for myself, same reason I am not letting your
insurance pay my doctors bill or my totaled Jeep.  I now have to get home
and let some delivery boys into my home who are now making some amazingly good
overtime pay because of this fiasco.  Now excuse me I need to find a cab
or something so I can get home, goodbye Matthews." I turned and left him
standing with his jaw dropped and a hurt look on his face.
    I used my phone to search for a taxi service and discovered
the town was too little to have one.  I sighed at my appalling luck and
then heard someone clear their throat behind me.
    "I can give you a ride home if you like or wouldn't
mind.  I mean I'm not really a bad driver.  You saw from the traffic
camera that both of our lights were green.  Really, I promise I will be
super careful and I will even drive under the speed limit.  Please Ms.
Stiles let me at least get you home since I am the reason that you are stuck
here and not already there." Matthews was very concerned and was being
very chivalrous.  Oh what the hell, it's not like he can kill me.
    "Ok fine, but you had better be careful.  I really
don't want to bleed anymore today."  I followed him to his truck and
he was even a gentleman and opened the door for me then helped me in.
    "Thank you" I stammered as he let go of my
hand.  I had a really weird vibe coming from him and I could not place it.
    "So where are we going to Ms. Stiles?" Matthews
asked as he started his truck and headed to the exit.
    "Please call me Katilyn; Ms. Stiles makes me feel like
a teacher or something.  And we are heading east to a lake house on the
outskirts of town, on McAdams Lane.  Do you know where it is?" I
asked him as he headed out of the parking lot.
    Matthews had a fleeting look of being uncomfortable, but it
was gone as soon as it crossed his face.
    "Um, yeah I know that area.  Actually I live about
ten minutes farther down the road." He turned the radio on and turned it
down low like background noise.
    "Huh well that's interesting.  So are you going to
be one of those crazy neighbors who come to borrow a cup of sugar late at night
and then winds up murdering me?" I raised an eyebrow at him and let him
know I was teasing him.  Matthews laughed a deep laugh which made me
    "No, I'm not going to murder you, and I probably won't
be coming to borrow a cup of sugar, I keep my

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