Hells Royalty The Princess

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Book: Hells Royalty The Princess Read Free
Author: Jessica Wennberg
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to him, I can't go to the devil!" I yelled
at her.
    She put her hands on my shoulders to calm me,
"Sweetie you must calm down!  He is not going to take you; I will die
before that happens.  And you are right, when I said he is the devil I
meant it, he really is Lucifer himself, he just goes by Damien.  And you
are also right, you are a witch, but unfortunately you are also part of him
which makes you a hybrid witch with demonic blood in you." She stopped
because I had literally stopped breathing.  I was part demon, part witch
and I was flipping out.  I couldn't be the daughter of the devil, I felt
good, and I didn't feel like I had bad stuff in me.
    "Katy it's ok.  That nice lady today, she is
what we call a prophetess; she can see the future and she saw great things for
you.  You will not turn out to be like your father.  You will kill
his kind, the demons and the other creatures that do his bidding.  You are
a warrior and you are strong.  She also told me that you will start coming
into stronger powers and when you turn twenty one you will have your full witch
and demonic powers.  Normally you would get your full witch powers at 15
but the demon blood is blocking it.  They will both come to full strength
when you are 21 and you will be the strongest anyone has ever seen, practically
invincible.  She also told me that you will meet a boy and he will help
you fight Damien and you will save the world from his domination." She
smiled as she thought about this and watched me absorb all this information.
    I opened my eyes in the water and then opened my hands while
they were in the spray.  I watched as a rainbow appeared between them,
then turned into a beautiful white star, and then finally morphed into a
brilliant green emerald.  I cried myself dry and then got out.
    I went to bed hungry, lonely, and with a wet head, so
naturally when the doorbell rang at 7 am the next morning I looked like a
crazed maniac looking for her next hit.
    "What?" I snarled as I opened the door to find a
very startled Matthews.
    "Well hello and good morning to you Miss Grumpy. 
Should I be looking for Sleepy and Dopey also?" he smiled as he walked in
past me with his arms full of bags.
    "What the hell are you doing here and with all those
bags to boot?" I was starting to calm down but my brain was still in
defense mode.
    "Well actually I came bearing gifts before I take you
to the dealership.  I brought groceries to replace the ones that I ruined
yesterday, plus some extra ones that I picked out. Oh and breakfast is in that
first bag, so dig in" and he walked back out to the car.
    Okay, see this is why I don't make friends.  They show
up just whenever they want and it’s way too early after a horrible night's
sleep.  My dreams had morphed from my mom into the blue eyed stranger once
again, and he seems intent on chasing me into hell, literally, the hell with
fires and demons and brimstone to boot.
    "Earth to Katilyn.  Hey did you hear a word I just
said?" Matthews asked as he placed a final bag on the counter and raised
an eyebrow at me.
    "Um, sorry I had a bad night's sleep.  Still
waking up, what did you say?" I plopped down at a stool and started
picking through bags.
    Matthews seemed to eye me up and down then and that made me
notice my wardrobe, boy shorts and a tank top, well at least my tattoos were
    "Yeah why don't I go get dressed and you can get the
plates ready.  I will be right back." I exited from the room and
bolted up the stairs.  I dressed in my classic outfit, worn denim jeans,
fitted red t-shirt, and pulled my hair in a low braid.  I don't wear
makeup because apparently my dads' genes make my skin flawless, along with
self-healing, incredible strength, and a greater speed than the average
human.  I put on my custom Frye boots that concealed a blade that I always
carry with me and headed downstairs for breakfast with Matthews.
    I picked up my coffee and studied it for a moment.  In
answer to my gaze

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