Hells Royalty The Princess

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Book: Hells Royalty The Princess Read Free
Author: Jessica Wennberg
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place well stocked.  What
about you?  You're new and I wasted all of your groceries today, sure you
won't come to borrow sugar and then murder me?" he smiled at me with a
breath catching smile.
    I scoffed at him, "Me, no I'm harmless to you. 
And besides if I had wanted to kill you I would have at the crash and made it
look like it was part of the accident." His face was priceless and I
couldn't hold back my laughter.  I at least had him believing that I was
    "Oh Matthews I'm playing, lighten up." I lightly
smacked his arm and felt that same heat with the weird vibe, I kept myself from
jerking my hand back but I removed it a lot quicker than I should have which
made him raise an eyebrow.  That heat and feeling were starting to worry me.
    It only took us about 10 minutes and we were pulling in my
    "Well here we are Katilyn.  WOW, you ordered a
lot.  Did you buy the whole store?" he asked as his eyes bugged out.
    "Yeah well when you don't bring anything with you and I
also tend to go overboard when I shop." I smiled a sad smile and got out.
    I let the guys in and told them what went to each
room.  As they loaded my new house down with new furniture I saw Matthews
approaching me at the stairs.
    "Well Katilyn I should leave you to your home. 
Again I am sorry and I will never forgive myself for what happened.  If
anything had happened to you I don't know what I would have done." He took
a deep and shaky breath.
    I placed my hand on his shoulder, ignoring the heat.
"Matthews it wasn't your fault.  The light was screwed up. 
Really I'm not mad at you anymore.  Go home, get some rest and you can
come and take me to the Jeep dealer in the morning.  OK?" I smiled at
him hoping his grief would end now that I had tried to mend things and I had
asked for his help.  I cast a peace spell over him since I had physical
touch to him.  He seemed to calm instantly.
    "Ok, well I will see you then." He smiled back at
me and left.
    I felt a feeling of sadness after he left and could not wait
for the delivery guys to finish up.  It was almost ten when they left and
I headed straight in, locked up the house, and got a hot shower.  Tonight
it was hard to clear my mind.  I kept going back to the blood and the
broken bones and the miracle that everyone thought it was.  Yeah it was a
miracle, unless you knew the actual truth.
    Thanks to my mom, I learned early on that this was not a
miracle, it was a horrible burden.  As I washed the blood from my hair and
watched the drain turn scarlet I thought back to that day.
    ---"Sweetheart can you come here? I need to talk to
you about your dad and I need you to listen.  You are not to ask questions
till the end." Mom had said as she took my hand and lead me to the couch.
    "What is it mommy?  Did that lady tell you
something about daddy; has he done something bad?" I asked worried he knew
about me now, all I knew about him was he was a bad man and we did not want him
to find us...
    "Well she did tell me something about your dad, but
she actually told me a lot about you, something really good.  You see she
is a really nice lady and she has special powers like we do." She smiled
but I could tell she was still worried about something.
    "Well if it is something good, why are we talking
about daddy, there's never anything good about daddy." I crossed my arms
and moved my body in front of her on the floor so she could braid my hair.
    "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry.  Well we have to talk
about your daddy to get to the good stuff about you.  Okay, listen you
know I told you that he doesn't know about you, and that I didn't tell him
because he is a bad person.  Well that has changed Katilyn, he knows about
you now.  He will be coming for you now, but I promise you that I will
keep you safe from him." She was very calm for this conversation.
    I jumped up from the floor, "No mommy!  He
can't have me.  You can't let him take me.  You said he is the devil
and I'm a witch I and can't go

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