Equine Massage: A Practical Guide

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Book: Equine Massage: A Practical Guide Read Free
Author: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt
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    Relaxation Massage Routine ................................120
    Lowering the Head: Relaxation routine. ...............121
    Ear Work: Relaxation routine. ...............................122
    Neck Crest Work: Relaxation routine. ..................123
    Neck Rocking Movement: First part, relaxation
    routine ..................................................................124
    List of Figures
    Neck Rocking Movement: Second part,
    relaxation routine..................................................124
    Withers Work: Light pressure, relaxation routine....125
    Back Work: Relaxation routine .............................125
    Picking up the Tail Movement: From the tail
    work group of moves, relaxation routine ...............126
    Raising the Tail Movement: From the tail work
    group of moves (stretch the ventral aspect of the tail), relaxation routine ..........................................127
    Question Mark Movement: From the tail work
    group of moves (stretch the dorsal aspect of the tail), relaxation routine ..........................................127
    Clockwise Movement: From the tail work group
    of moves, relaxation routine ..................................128
    Counterclockwise Movement: From the tail
    work group of moves, relaxation routine ...............128
    Stretching the Tail Out: Carefully and gently
    working each vertebra with soft muscle squeezing moves, relaxation routine.......................................129
    Stroking the Legs Down: End of relaxation
    routine ..................................................................130
    Head Massage Routine ........................................132
    Working the Muzzle: First pass, head
    massage routine.....................................................133
    Working the Base of Ears: First pass, head massage routine ..................................................................134
    Working the Forehead: Second pass, head massage routine ..................................................................135
    Drainage to the Sides: Second pass, head massage routine ..................................................................135
    Working the Mouth: Gums and bars, third pass,
    head massage routine ............................................136
    Finishing the Facial Work with Lots of Drainage: Third pass, head massage routine ...........................137
    Maintenance Massage Routine .............................138
    Neck Work:With deep double-thumb kneading,
    maintenance routine .............................................139
    Withers Work:With deep double-thumb
    kneading, interspersed with effleurage,
    maintenance routine .............................................139
    Shoulder Work:With deep double-thumb
    kneading, interspersed with effleurage,
    maintenance routine .............................................140
    Chest Work:With muscle squeezing and
    thumb kneading, interspersed with effleurage,
    maintenance routine .............................................141
    List of Figures
    Back Work:With deep double-thumb kneading,
    interspersed with effleurage, maintenance
    routine .......................................................142
    Hindquarter Work:With deep palmar compression,
    interspersed with effleurage, maintenance
    routine .......................................................142
    Recuperation Massage Routine ............................145
    Thorough Effleurage: Going up the legs (light to medium pressure), the recuperation routine...........146
    Multiple Effleurages: Light to medium pressure
    over the whole body, the recuperation routine ......147
    Warm-Up/Cool-Down Massage Routine.............148
    Fine Shaking: Performed thoroughly over the
    whole body, with heavier pressure over large,
    bulky muscle

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