
Dazz Read Free Page B

Book: Dazz Read Free
Author: Hannah Davenport
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filthy rags back on, so after drying off, she found one of the black jumpsuits and put it on.  It conformed to her body, showing every curve, she just had to roll the legs and sleeves up.  Now all she had to do was to hoist herself back up into the vent.  She sighed; easier said than done.

Chapter Three
    He tapped his com-unit. “Go ahead, Stavven.”
    “Commander, the female is missing!”  Stavven sounded almost frantic.
    “What do you mean she’s missing?”  Dazz jumped to his feet and headed toward Sick Bay.
    “I mean she’s gone, missing, nowhere to be found.  It appears as though she climbed into the vent.”
    “What?!  Never mind, I’m on my way.”
    How had she gotten into the vent? He wondered.  When he’d held her, he’d thought she was small, but---he glanced up at the vent---yes, she could fit.  Dazz headed down the corridor, but before he made it to Sick Bay, the ship rocked as the computer blared, “Red alert!”  He changed directions and headed toward the Bridge at top speed.
    “Chasse, report!” Dazz demanded, as he stormed onto the Bridge.
    “A Tureis ship slipped by our sensors and caught us off guard!”
    “Return fire!” he ordered, as he took a seat in the Commander’s chair and stared at view screen.
    When the torpedo hit its target, Dazz watched the enemy ship rock before reversing its course back through the wormhole.  They were unaware that when the Tureis fired at them, another Tureis ship slipped by unnoticed.
    When the Tureis ship was no longer visible, Dazz said, “They may return, so stay focused and keep me advised.  Right now, I’m needed in Sick Bay.”
    “Yes, Commander,” Chasse responded.
    Dazz headed down the corridor with one thing on his mind, finding the unknown female.
    “Stavven, any news?”  Dazz asked as soon as he entered Sick Bay.
    “No, Commander, not on the female’s location.  I can tell you that the medi-chamber healed her body much quicker than I anticipated.  According to the readouts, her bones are much smaller than ours are, in size and density.”
    Dazz glanced up at the vent opening and said, “Making her lighter and her muscles that much stronger than an Azziarin female’s.”  The females of Azziar could never get their muscles strong enough to pull their entire body up by their arms. 
    “Yes, Commander, and also making her quicker to heal,” Stavven finished.
    “Any ideas on how to locate her?”
    “No, I’m afraid not.”
    Dazz rubbed his forehead in frustration.  He felt irritated---almost antsy---certainly not himself.  As he stood there trying to figure out how to find his …Dazz froze…she was not his female!
    “Commander, are you alright?”  Stavven asked while pulling out his scanner.
    “What?” he replied distractedly, “Oh, I’m fine, Stavven.”
    “I don’t think so, Commander.  The female has triggered the Mating Fever.”
    Dazz’s eyes shot to the healer’s, “Impossible!”
    “Impossible or not, it has started.  It’s in the early stages, so you haven’t recognized it yet.  I can give you an injection that will help dampen the effects.”
    “I don’t understand, Stavven.  She’s not Azziarin.” 
    “I can’t explain it but it’s definitely Mating Fever.” 
    “Thank you,” Dazz said, after receiving the injection.
    “Good luck finding the female,” Stavven finished.  Both males looked at the open vent.  Dazz gave him a nod before heading out of Sick Bay.
    As he rounded the corner, two Tureis stood in front of him, phasers at the ready, with their amber eyes scanning the area.  Dazz had no love for the pasty gray species.
    Like lightning, he instinctively dropped to the floor, the phaser beam missing him---but not by much.  He jumped up and sprang forward with his arms stretched wide, catching the invaders off guard as he tackled them both.  
    Dazz wrestled the phaser from one invader, while the other tried to pry himself out from

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