eyes focused on the one behind the desk, the one who had just spoken. Even though she couldn’t understand him, his voice poured into her soul, making her body crazy. Her breathing grew rapid as her heart pounded. Her womanhood throbbed with want…with need… as her nipples hardened. She closed her eyes then slowly opened them, trying to will her body under control.
“You still don’t know what species she is, Dazz?”
Chloe heard the other one speak, but focused on the one behind the desk. “Not yet,” he answered. Who is he? She silently watched his luscious lips as they moved, forming the words that she could listen to all day. She could barely see the tips of his fangs, which might have scared her if she wasn’t used to seeing the Azziarins on Earth. She stared at the tanned male with bright-blue cat eyes and short, white hair. This male made her body feel things that she’d never felt before.
“Even the healer couldn’t find any information on her type in the database.” The male lifted his drink and she watched as he placed it to his lips…those lips! She stared at him a little longer, just listening to him talk before turning her head to break the trance.
Chloe had had several boyfriends and she wasn’t a virgin, but her body had never reacted this way before---and just from hearing him speak! She didn’t understand it.
Breaking the spell and moving on, she passed by the Dining Hall and peered longingly at the aromatic food. She wasn’t hungry, but it had been a long time since she had eaten hot, cooked food. The tables were lined with Azziarins talking and laughing. Not that she could understand what they were saying, nor did she care. With one last look, she moved on. No need to torture herself if she couldn’t partake.
Continuing on, she found someone’s living quarters. The male looked like all the other Azziarins. Seven-feet tall, white hair. This guy had long, flowing hair. She watched as he removed his weapons and black jumpsuit and laid them on the bed before entering a smaller room.
Chloe quickly moved forward so she could watch what he was doing. Back home, they would’ve called her a peeping Tom, or maybe a peeping Jane. What did they call women who spied on men? She shook her head to stop her rambling thoughts. It didn’t matter because she wasn’t interested in him, she just wanted to know how everything worked.
He stood nude in the small room, and although her body didn’t react, she couldn’t help but stare with wide eyes at the perfection of his body. Not only was he taller than the average human man, everything was larger, in proportion to his size. Any Azziarin could be on the cover of a fitness magazine back home.
She watched him place a hand inside the shower like enclosure. When he touched the wall, a panel slid back. Chloe watched intently, remembering everything he did.
She waited patiently in the vent for him to finish showering. When he entered the main room, he donned a black jumpsuit like all the others wore. Patiently, she waited for him to leave, hoping that he would. All Chloe could think about was taking a much needed, hot shower.
Finally, she watched him leave, giving a silent thank you to whoever might be listening. When she felt confident that he wouldn’t return, she kicked out the grate, slid out, and landed silently on her feet.
Chloe quickly repeated the movements she’d watched the male perform. The water cascaded down from above and she laughed aloud. A shower!
She closed her eyes and offered silent thanks as she tore off her filthy clothes and stepped into the warm spray. She watched the dirty water run down her body into a drain near her feet. She knew that everyone on Earth probably looked---and smelt--- as bad as she did.
She scrubbed her body and hair until the water ran clear, then she scrubbed on more time for good measure. Chloe refused to put her