They spend their time trying to impress each other. Nobody else will put up with their crap. We get a few of the type now and then.” Judi nodded. “You want me to see if anybody around here knows them?” “ I’d appreciate it. I don’t know why they’re here at all, much less why they’re so intent in getting attention. It reminds me of another couple of assholes who were simply being a diversion.” “ Puerto Armuelles. I remember that.” They chatted awhile, then Clint went home to clean up his e-mail and such, then to lay around for the rest of the day.
“ Yo, Clint!” Ben greeted. “Que paso?” Ben Longstreet was a gay man who lived not far from Clint. They had become friends from the first. “ Not much. You cork that Danny character’s bottle for him?” “ Not like that! I would sort of like to gut punch him to death, but he and his friends are such pathetic types.” “ Yeah. I met them in the comarca.” “ They were talking about some crazy gringo who stole their equipment in Rambala. They didn’t know his name. He sounded like you.” “ Guilty as charged! It was a lot of illegal guns and such they took onto the comarca to threaten the Indios. They learned a little about the difference in Panamanian law and comarca law.” “ Serg told me you’re a Ngobe. Orlando, the chief, declared it, so it’s set in titanium steel.” “ Orlando and Basilio! You don’t know how proud I am that they accept me that much!” They chatted. Ben told Clint about the little confrontation. Clint agreed that they were the type who would be meek as rabbits if they weren’t all there, so it wasn’t too likely one of them killed Danny. Clint said there was something a little off about them. They seemed almost to be acting. He then laid around his place, fixed a few little things such as a lock that was sticking because of the salt. He later cleaned up and went into town to talk to people. Judi called to say she and Ben were going to Refugio’s. Dave was playing there with Curtis – if he showed up. Clint said he might drop in there later. He went to the Nine Degrees for a very good meal, if a bit pricey. Just before he left Sam, Freddie and Larry came in. They glared at him a bit, but didn’t say anything to him. He went to Refugio’s and talked awhile with Judi, Ben and some overly-handsome bodybuilder type named Earl who was with Ben. If it was anyone besides Ben, Clint would have avoided the type. This one seemed to be more a regular person without a bloated opinion of himself. Manny Mathews, a retired mafia don from the states, came in with his wife to chat a bit. Clint met a girl from Denmark who was vacationing in Bocas for three days. They got along well. She stayed with him for the night – a very pleasant night.
Clint was laying in his hammock on his deck at five thirty with his second cup of coffee waiting for the sunrise. Most of them were beautiful here. At about a quarter to six the light began to increase and the sky was dotted with rose-pink clouds that slowly turned to salmon, then to slightly reddish, but never turned into real red. It would be a nice morning. Judi came onto her deck to water the orchids and waved and wagged a finger at him. He didn’t bother to dress until he decided what he was going to do. He had on a jock strap this morning. Usually nothing. Inga came sleepily onto the deck and waved to Judi. She asked Clint if he always came out there dressed like that in the morning. “ Not usually. I usually don’t wear the jock strap. Only when I have company.” They chatted for a few minutes. Inga was going to Bocas del Drago for the surf. Did he want to come along? He said he had a few errands and a project or two. She said she was leaving Bocas on the five o’clock water taxi so probably wouldn’t see him before she left. She had a wonderful night. Clint spent awhile, until after seven when some stores opened in town, sending e-mails to