friends in Florida, California, and Panamá. He went into town, got groceries and supplies for a week or so, then headed back home. Sam, Freddie and Larry were standing on the sidewalk by his gate. Clint sighed heavily and asked the cabbie to wait while he kicked a few asses. He got out. “ Faraday? We have to talk. No more shit,” Sam said. That surprised him. He nodded, paid the taxi and grabbed the groceries. He led the trio inside. They didn’t say much while he put the groceries away, then offered them coffee. Larry had a cup, the other two said they were nervous enough without caffeine. “ What’s it about? The act on the comarca?” Clint asked. “ You knew that it was a act?” Sam asked. He seemed to be the spokesman for the trio. “I sort of wondered if you’d tumbled. We overdid it. “ I mean, we are what you call rednecks. We don’t understand the kind of shit ... well, the shit people put up with. I guess we’re big-time bigots. We like our beer and our trucks and our guns and all that. “ This is how it came about. It was when we came into that place on the border – Frontera. We stayed for that night in some hotel. Everybody said it was a dump, but it seemed Okay to us. It was a lot better than some places, like in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. They ain’t got much. “ We got a lot of money from ... a land deal in Georgia and decided to see the world. At least some of it. Where we could go in our truck. “ The truck was part of our pay. It’s great, but drinks gas like a elephant. It was costing us a lot more than we thought at first. I was sort of hoping the gooks would take the damned thing when we .. on that reservation. It would probably save us a fucking fortune. “ That’s just talking. You don’t give a fucking shit. I don’t know how to talk to you. “ Alright. Straight out, like. “ We were at a place in Frontera, a little restaurant. We were trying to sell the fucking Hummer to get enough money to stay a couple days, then go home. Only the taxes if anyone bought it would take everything because ... you don’t give a fuck. You know how that shit goes. “ We said we wanted to go to Bocas because some friends went there when they played some music – they have a band that’s going places in Nashville. Local boys who made it, you know. “ Anyhow, this guy says he knows someone who would maybe give us a stake where we wouldn’t need to sell the fucking thing. We could get it back to Georgia and sell it there if anybody was as stupid as we were and would even look at it. “ We knew he was right about that! We didn’t get our shorts in a knot because he said we were stupid to buy the fucking thing in the first place. We were ! “ Anyhow, he talked to this bird on his pocket phone and said it would be a day or two. All we had to do was go somewhere that was on the way to fucking Bocas, anyhow. We would make who turned out to be you go away for a afternoon and night. He would pay us ten fucking grand. “ We said that was about as good as it gets! Who did we have to kill? He said that was the good part. We didn’t have to kill anybody. Maybe kick your ass if that was the only fucking way to keep you there. “ We had to make it look like natural. You wasn’t to ever know that’s what we were doing. “ He said you really liked the gooks – sorry, Indios – and that you would be out there in a heartbeat if anybody tried to cause them trouble. He didn’t tell us the part about the goo ... Indios having their own law and that the damn government fuckheads wouldn’t be able to take a hundred or so and forget it. We made him pay us for the guns and stuff when we got here. “ See, he paid five grand up front and five when we were done. He paid like he said, but those guns cost us more than three grand back in Louisiana. The guy who saw us in Frontera came to Bocas to pay. He said that was fair because he didn’t tell us not to take any guns on the comaria ...