all over my sweater.
He’s so never going to acknowledge me again.
Kenley stops typing and I can tell she’s reading something. I savor my chocolate, which is crazy good, and reach for the remote to turn the volume up on the Food Network.
“So nothing happened at practice today?” she asks me again.
“No,” I say, stuffing another piece of chocolate into my mouth.
“Are you sure?”
I stop eating and glance at her. Kenley is staring at me with a cocked eyebrow, as if she doesn’t believe me.
“I don’t know,” Kenley says breezily. “According to Amanda, practice was quite eventful for you today.”
“It’s too embarrassing to rehash,” I declare miserably.
“Fight through it.”
I close my eyes. “Abridged version. A smoking-hot guy named Niko fell on me to protect me from getting hit in the head with a puck. I reveal I love taping practices and have dreams of editing. Ryan shows up, makes me sound like a Puck Slut who has the maturity of a sixteen-year-old. Hot guy turns out to be brand new Dallas Demons producer. Mortification ensues. He goes to a meeting. I come home and stuff myself with chocolate. The end.”
“I feel another chapter here. Not ‘The End,’” Kenley declares.
I snort and break off another piece of chocolate. “No.”
“Well, you might be ready to write ‘The End,’” she says, “but Niko isn’t.”
I jerk my head toward her. “What?”
“He just asked Ryan for your cell number.”
Chapter 4
The One Online Dating Service Profile Question: What is your ideal first date? A romantic dinner for two with wine and candlelight? An adventure, like zip-lining, or taking a ride in a hot air balloon? Catching a scary movie and sharing popcorn?
My write-in answer: I’d be happier if it simply involved conversation and a gingerbread latte from Starbucks . . .
I feel my heart stop beating for a moment.
Niko asked Ryan for my number?
“What?” I ask, shocked. “He did?”
Kenley’s face lights up. “Yes! That’s what Amanda messaged me. Ryan said as they were leaving the Demons facility Niko asked for it. Do you realize what this means? He’s interested. ”
“No,” I say, firmly shaking my head. I ignore how my heart is now jumping against my ribcage as I continue. “He can’t be. Not after everything I told you. Niko should be certified insane if he was interested after all of that.”
“Would you stop? He’d be crazy not to ask you for your number, Lexi.”
Kenley’s eyes flicker. I can tell she’s annoyed with me. She puts her laptop aside and faces me.
“When are you going to see yourself for who you really are?”
“A lunatic?” I quip. “Don’t worry, I’m already there.”
Kenley lets out an exasperated sigh. “Yes, I’m sure he’s asking for your number because you’re a flake. It’s high on the list of things guys want in a girl. It has nothing to do with the fact that you are a gorgeous redhead, I’m sure he never noticed that.”
My face starts to burn. I hate when Kenley does this, it’s so embarrassing.
“And I’m sure Niko didn’t notice your sense of humor, hockey knowledge, or intelligence when you talked to him.”
“Okay, stop.”
“Someday I’m going to get you to see yourself for the amazing woman that is Lexi Stewart,” Kenley declares. “And you will love yourself like I do. Or maybe Niko is the man for that job.”
“He is not, ” I protest.
“Tell me one other reason why he’d call you other than interest.”
I pause for a moment.
And my pulse jumps when I realize there’s no other reason for him to call me.
“Ah-ha!” Kenley declares. “Niko’s interested.”
For once, I allow myself to feel hopeful. That maybe, just maybe, a guy I find interesting and attractive could be interested in me just like I’m interested in him?
“So tell me about him,” Kenley says eagerly.
I grab a throw pillow and hug it to my chest. “Okay,” I say,