Kenley about someone she knew moving here from Seat—
I’m trying to pull it out of my memory when I hear a familiar voice call Niko’s name.
“Hey, Niko, are you ready for our meeting?”
I turn around and see Ryan approach us. I wrinkle my brow in confusion.
“Ryan?” I know Amanda’s husband had filled in on the Demons package while they were searching for a new producer, as they abruptly had to fire theirs a month ago. But now that they had hired one, I didn’t expect to see Ryan at the rink anymore.
“Hey, Lexi, I didn’t know you knew Niko,” Ryan said, flashing me a smile.
Suddenly I remember who Amanda said was moving from Seattle.
The new Dallas Demons TV producer.
And with a shock I realize who that is.
Chapter 3
The One Online Dating Service Profile Question: How much do you like to reveal to a potential match on a first meeting?
My write-in answer: Did I tell the sexy new Dallas Demons producer what a hockey fan, editing nerd I am?
Niko is the Dallas Demons producer?
The one I just revealed I like to do edits on my phone to?
Ack! This is mortifying. Niko is a professional producer . I’m the geek editing videos on her freaking iPhone.
I debate taking the bleachers two at a time in an effort to escape. This is humiliating. He must think I’m a total hockey nerd.
Or worse, a Puck Slut, because I had to bring that up. What if he thinks I am, in the back of his mind?
And I’m beginning to hate the fact that my life is worse than that stupid Kevin Bacon game, and I hate this with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.
“Do you know each other from practices?” Niko asks, shifting his gaze from me to Ryan.
Oh no. What if he thinks I’m a groupie? Shooting video because I think the players are hot?
And now I know my face is flaming with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.
Ryan laughs. “No. Lexi is like my kid sister. I’ve known her since college.”
Kid sister. Perfect add on. Now I’m known as the nerd editing, groupie, Puck Slut, kid sister girl.
This can’t get any worse.
“Really?” Niko asks, his brows shooting up.
“Yeah, Lexi is best friends with my wife’s sister. She’s also dating Johansson.”
Niko turns to me. “You’re dating Nate Johansson?”
Somebody please run a Zamboni over me. Now.
“No,” I say, trying to control the blush I feel creeping up my neck. “My best friend is. Kenley. She’s Ryan’s sister-in-law.”
Ryan slings an arm about my shoulders. “Which makes Lexi my other sister-in-law,” he says affectionately. “Right, kiddo?”
Okay, Ryan can stop making me sound like I’m sixteen anytime now.
“Right,” I say, forcing a smile on my face.
“Wow, small world,” Niko says.
“Very Kevin Bacon,” I quip. “With me playing the part of Kevin Bacon.”
“What?” Ryan asks, a lost expression passing over his face, “What on earth are you talking about, Lexi?”
“Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” Niko says easily.
Holy shit, Niko knows what I’m talking about?
And despite this entire mortifying interaction, butterflies shift in my stomach again.
“Um, still lost,” Ryan says, interrupting my thoughts, “but we have a meeting to go to.”
“Right.” Niko turns to me. “Final planning for me to take over the broadcast on Monday night.”
“Good luck,” I say. “And congrats on the new job.”
“Thank you,” Niko says, his blue eyes on mine. “I’m glad to be here.”
Yeah, I’m glad you’re here, too .
“So I’ll see you around?” Niko asks.
I swallow nervously. I’ve obviously lost my mind, or really do have a concussion, because I hope Niko means that and isn’t just saying that as a closing expression.
“You totally will.” Ryan playfully punches me on the arm like an annoying big brother. “Lexi is always here shooting players. Especially Harrison Flynn.”
Shit! My face burns hot, and if I didn’t love Ryan so much I’d kill him.
“Right,” I say,