kept his word and called his parents that morning.
He had managed to get in touch with his father, David Robinson. He was a retired lawyer and inspired John to pursue law himself. John’s mother, Karen, was a housewife for their entire marriage and as she described it, “Wouldn’t change a moment of it for the world.”
He couldn’t have asked for a friendlier and more down to earth father, even if he was a lawyer. “So, are you and Amber enjoying the trip so far?” His father asked.
“It’s been very good so far, Dad, how about yours?” John asked.
“It’s been wonderful. Your mother is having a great time,” his father responded and John could hear the happiness in his voice.
“Can I speak to her?” John wondered out loud.
“Unfortunately she’s not here.” David replied. “She went down to get some breakfast. She loves the food at this hotel. I’m not a fan of it though, so I’ll get something later.”
“You never were a fan of hotel food.” John said with chuckle.
“How am I supposed to enjoy it?” His father said, also laughing. “It’s pretty much hospital food but in a much nicer setting.” They both laughed again. “Well, son, I’ll let you go. I know you and Amber want to look around D.C.”
“Okay, Dad, have a great day.” John said.
“You as well. Get a couple of pictures for my scrapbook.” His father said happily. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad. Tell Mom I said hi and that I love her.” John said.
“I will. Bye son.”
He and Amber finished getting ready and walked down to the lobby to check out. Soon, they were in their car and driving off to see the sights.
The morning went along with ease; no problems befell them whatsoever. They enjoyed everything about the area. Being a teacher, Amber was looking forward to telling her students about the experience. Surprisingly, their least favorite sight throughout the experience was the White House.
“It’s just a really big white house,” was Amber’s first response after seeing it.
“I bet many more things happen inside of it.” John replied.
“Yeah, but on the outside, it’s just a really big house. We have houses that look identical to this in Clinton.” Amber said, looking rather disappointed. She clearly found the house more impressive on television than in person.
“Would you like to take the tour inside?” John asked.
“No, we don’t have time for that.” Amber said and John looked at his watch; she was right. They had to be on the road by eleven so that they could be sure to get to Disney on time or else their reservations would be canceled.
However, they did have time to get lunch before leaving and went to a local pizza place in town, Pasquale’s. It was a small restaurant with a very home-like vibe. It wasn’t fancy but was still very nice looking. The tables were foldouts with brown foldout steel chairs.
When they walked in, they were greeted by a plump, bearded older man wearing a plain white apron and was caked with flour from the neck down. “Welcome to Pasquale’s folks,” he said with a broad smile. He had the type of attitude that would bring a smile to anyone talking with him. “Pick any table available and I’ll be right with you.”
John and Amber sat at a table by the window and the man came to wait on them. “Hello folks, my name is Joe Brown, I’m the owner and main cook here