A Vulnerable Broken Mind

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Book: A Vulnerable Broken Mind Read Free
Author: Gaetano Brown
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tone. She sounded more awake once she realized how distracted John was.
                  “I’ll explain when I get back. Wait here.” John said, trying to sound calm. He shut the door and began walking towards the sign. He couldn’t see it from a distance as the headlights from the cars passing still shined in his eyes.
                  The sign became clearer as he got closer and he jogged towards it. As he reached it, he realized that there was absolutely no one standing there. He looked around and tried to see if there was anybody standing anywhere near the area.
                  He began to walk back to the car, dejected. He proceeded to look back constantly, trying to see if anyone would appear. He could have sworn that he had seen a little girl there.
                  When you’re all alone in the dead of night, in complete silence, you sometimes see things. Hallucinations that form in your imagination appear. They seem so real but you soon find out that they are only real to you and nobody else.
    “Was that what happened to me?” John thought to himself. But no one could answer that question besides him. He would have to decide whether or not to accept it as a hallucination.
                  When John had got to the car, Amber stared at him with concern. “Are you okay?”
                  “I thought I saw something out there.” John replied and he told her all about it as he drove off. As he told the story, he took the next exit and went to the nearest gas station. He was just pulling into the station as he concluded with the story.
                  “I think you’re a little tired.” Amber said with a knowing smile. “I’ll drive from here. I’ve had enough sleep for the day. You clearly need some rest.”
                  “It seemed so real.” John marveled. He knew that he sounded childish when saying it but it was all that he could think of to say.
                  “I know, dear, but you really need some sleep,” Amber said. “Let’s get some gas, get a few drinks from the station and I’ll take the next shift. Are you okay with that?”
                  John sat in his seat for a bit before answering. He was still pondering what he had just seen. He wanted to convince himself that it wasn’t real but he couldn’t manage to do so. While still feeling very conflicted, he knew that he had to answer her.
                  “Okay, that sounds good to me.” He answered and he wasn’t being dishonest in his answer. Being in the passenger seat and getting a few hours of rest would actually clear his head.
                  After getting gas and a couple of drinks for themselves, they were back on the road.
                  John fell into a deep sleep. Amber was always nervous when driving at night but having John next to her offered her some comfort.
    By the time John had fallen asleep, they were on the highway, away from the lights of any city or rest stop. Amber would occasionally look up at the stars, which were very visible. Looking up at the stars was one of her favorite things to do; she had loved it ever since she was a little girl.
                  Amber took a quick glance at John. He looked so peaceful in his slumber, so much so that it brought a smile to her face. While looking, she noticed that in her peripheral vision, lights from the cars in front and passing her had completely gone out.
    When she turned her head to look forward, the cars were gone. When she looked to the back, there were no signs of any car. The road did not resemble the road she was on just seconds before.
    She looked up at the sky. The stars that were visible were now completely invisible. They were now covered by thick, almost black clouds that would be indistinguishable if it weren’t for the moon that just barely seeped through one of them. The moonlight

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