from the picture she’d seen only moments before. Her only option was to try to brazen her way out of this situation.
She cocked her eyebrow at him and inclined her head. “You’re either Louis or Jacque LaForge. I’m not sure which.” She had a brief moment of pleasure when she noted the surprise in his eyes. Then they went flat, and the expression in them scared her spitless.
Chapter Two
Jacque LaForge stared at the tempting female his brother currently held subdued in his arms. Louis’s nose had taken quite a hit, but thankfully it didn’t look broken. Not that it mattered. They were both quick healers and the bleeding had already stopped.
When he’d heard the shotgun blast, his only thought had been of reaching his brother. Damn Hector Canton and his big mouth. They’d stopped him long enough to give him his one and only warning and hopefully put enough fear in him to keep his mouth shut. Then they’d headed to the woman’s home to find out how much she knew.
Hector was obsessed with werewolves and had made quite a bit of trouble for them. But their cousin, Armand, was already doing damage control. The man was a computer whiz, able to hack any system. A doctor’s file here and there questioning the man’s sanity, a few bogus reports filed with police and Hector would be in for a stay in a psychiatric hospital if he didn’t leave them alone. This was his only warning, and Armand had punctuated it with a more physical threat. If Hector didn’t cease and desist, they’d bury him. Literally. There was nowhere he could hide where they couldn’t find him.
Jacque didn’t want to hurt Hector, who was harmless enough in his own way, but no way would he allow anyone to threaten his family’s safety. He’d kill him if he had to and wouldn’t lose a moment of sleep over it. By the time they’d finished questioning Hector, he’d spilled every detail he knew about Gwendolyn, which wasn’t much. Just where she lived and the fact that she was single.
The name was old-fashioned and didn’t quite suit her at all. She wasn’t really a Gwen either. The name conjured a picture of a cool business executive. The woman in front of him was much more interesting.
She was wearing faded jeans that were slightly frayed at the ends and knees and a plain blue long-sleeved shirt. Nothing fancy, but she wore it well. While the cotton shirt was molded to a pair of first-class breasts, the tight denim showcased a pair of long, shapely legs and a mouth-watering ass that he was more than tempted to take a bite out of. Her blonde hair was cut short but layered, giving her a tousled, just-got-out-of-bed look.
His cock responded on cue. He certainly wouldn’t mind getting Gwen into bed and knew his brother would be thinking the exact same thing. He frowned as Louis sniffed her hair and rubbed his nose over her neck.
Jacque growled low in his throat and Louis glared at him but stopped sniffing Gwen. Jacque was thankful, because his own control was tenuous at the moment. Usually he had perfect command of his body and hormones, but the moon was nearly full and there was a sexy female right in front of him. All his senses were on high alert.
But she was obviously not feeling the same way. Right now she was spitting mad and scared. The stench of her fear burned his nostrils. He didn’t like it. He wanted to smell her sweet arousal, not fear.
“I’m Jacque LaForge. My brother, Louis, is holding you.”
“Please to meet you.” Louis rocked her slightly from side-to-side, a sort of full-body handshake.
Jacque wanted to smack his brother up the back of his head. Instead, he focused on Gwen, wanting to calm her immediate fears. “We mean you no harm.”
“Could have fooled me.” Her head jerked toward her front door.
“You’ll have to forgive me, chère . I heard the shotgun go off and got worried about my little brother.” Louis snorted but thankfully kept his mouth shut. Jacque knew how much he hated being referred