Wild Thunder

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Book: Wild Thunder Read Free
Author: Cassie Edwards
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checking the far pasture. I’ve lost a cow or two these past weeks.”
    â€œPerhaps the Indians stole them?” Hannah said, walking toward the window.
    â€œNo. I don’t think so,” Chuck said, rising from the chair. He stood with his back to the fire and leaned his full weight on his cane. “As long as deer, buffalo, and other wild animals roam this land, that’s what the Potawatomis will eat. Naw, they wouldn’t bother my cows. Anyhow, thus far, Strong Wolf and I see eye to eye on most things. I don’t think he’d want to chance having me as his enemy by stealing my cattle.”
    Hannah stepped up to the window and peered outside. “Is Strong Wolf a young warrior?” Hannah said, her gaze locked on the handsome Indian who had just reined in beside the hitching rail just outside of Chuck’s house. She knew horses well from her love of them and recognized that the Indian’s was a lovely bunched-muscled chestnut stallion.
    â€œYes, I’d say Strong Wolf is perhaps thirty,” Chuck said, slowly making his way across the room.
    â€œThen, I think he’s just arrived at your doorstep,” Hannah said, unable to take her eyes off the warrior. She had seen many Indians while living in Saint Louis.
    She had even talked with some on the waterfront when they had come to trade. Because of this she had learned not to fear them.
    Looking at this Potawatomis Indian made her knees feel strangely weak. Perhaps it was because he wore only a brief breechcloth that was only soft squares of buckskin, hanging from the waist in front and back by a belt. This attire somewhat unnerved her, for it did not leave much of his anatomy to her imagination. That shamefully excited her more than she wished to admit, even to her self.
    Strong Wolf had a fine-boned frame, a long, trim torso, and muscular thighs. He was powerfully built and sat tall in the saddle, with intense dark eyes. He had a firm, but almost sensuous mouth. The lean line of his jaw showed strength. He had a strong, determined face with hard cheekbones and flat planes. He carried his head high on a pair of well-knit shoulders. And his waist-length black hair was parted in the middle, a red band holding it in place.
    â€œCome with me outside on the porch, Hannah,” Chuck said, breaking her concentration. “Let’s see if it is Strong Wolf. If so, I wonder why? He rarely makes it a habit of coming to call. I usually go to him when something needs to be talked over.”
    â€œHow, Chuck?” Hannah said, turning to wait for him. “If you can’t ride . . .”
    â€œI’m not totally helpless, sis,” Chuck said, interrupting her. He frowned at her. “Whenever I have the need to leave my ranch, I travel by way of horse and buggy. Tiny, my foreman, usually accompanies me. Perhaps now you can if the need arises for me to go and speak with the Potawatomis leader.”
    â€œIs he their chief?” Hannah asked softly.
    â€œNo, his grandfather is still chief,” Chuck said, squinting as he tried to see his feet while taking guarded steps across the room. “About a year ago, Strong Wolf led a portion of his Potawatomis people from Wisconsin to establish a village nearby. He told me that he will return one day to lead the rest of his people here. He came without them only because he wanted to be sure he could find land suitable to their needs. He found it here, on land that lies adjacent to my property.”
    â€œHis grandfather is chief?” Hannah said, still watching from the window, the handsome Potawatomis leader having not yet caught her gawking at him like some starstruck schoolgirl. “Does that mean that Strong Wolf will one day be chief?”
    â€œYes, after his grandfather passes on to the other side,” Chuck said, nodding. “Also, Strong Wolf told me that he was given his father’s name, Sharp Nose, until he had a vision. His name was changed

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