and arched my back, I pushed my body into the weight of the sheet, enjoying the feel of it over me—imagining it was him. I teased myself, flirting my fingers over my bare mound. My mouth parted, his name on my lips as my fingertips grazed my clit and then dipped below to slide inside.
I’d been doing this from an early age, learning my body and exactly the way I needed to be touched. Brandon never got it right. He was always in a rush, and it was over before it began. Didn’t that apply to most boys?
But Mr. McKendrick…
I knew he’d be different.
He’d touch me the way I desired, and he’d take me the way I craved.
Not like a boy—but like a man.
Chapter Two
Tick, tick, tock.
“Would you say that you consciously try to push people’s boundaries, Addison?”
Tick, tick—what?
Seated again in the tiny, white office, I glance around at the bare walls, then back to the desk placed in here for my “stay” and I think— what ?
My face must convey my thoughts because he starts over.
“Or do you think it’s more”—he pauses, I’m sure for dramatic effect—“subconscious?”
He knows I’m aware that I don’t have to answer, so what does he get from me? Silence. Complete and utter silence.
“Okay, let’s go back to Mr. McKendrick.”
Let’s not, I think as I study my nails.
“You aren’t in trouble.”
Aren’t I? Being locked away sure doesn’t help his case in convincing me.
“We just need more information.”
Don’t we all.
Tick, tick, tock.
“Why don’t you tell me a little bit about how things began?”
I feel my anger start to rise. This man knows me better than anyone but about this , he knows nothing.
They’re all grasping. Grasping for a reason to make this his fault.
To somehow make him the devil and me the angel in this salacious little tale of sin.
They want to know who approached whom.
None of your fucking business, that’s who.
If he thinks this is going to be easy like it use to be, he best reevaluate.
I only have me to think of now. Me in this place, with nothing but time. Time to remember or, as they are all hoping, time to forget.
Tick, tick, tock—the mouse ran up the clock.
Is my hour up yet? It has to be close.
I glance at the only thing on the wall, a wooden clock, and then turn back to Doc and lick my lips.
Do I like to push boundaries? Yes .
I raise my thumb and bite my nail, noticing his eyes drop to it before he shakes his head.
Do I do it consciously? Yes. Yes, I do.
* * *
Again, she was late. This was the kind of conduct I could not tolerate. Blatant disrespect for my authority, that’s what this was. I shut my classroom door with a firm hand and locked it.
She was going to be that student. The one I battled all fucking year.
Clenching my teeth, I faced my other students. There was a clear void where she’d sat yesterday and the more I fixated on the empty space, the more annoyed I became.
Everyone sat patiently, waiting to see what would happen when Addison Lancaster decided to grace us with her presence, but she remained a no-show. Knowing I couldn’t let a student dictate the way I ran things, I stepped to the front of the room and rested back against the desk.
“Okay, guys. Please open your textbooks to page thirty-seven. As you know, this term we’ll be learning all about the reign of King Henry the Eighth. So let’s start at the beginning, shall we?”
Straightening from the desk, I slid my hands into my pockets as the kids flipped their books open.
“Did this dude really have six wives?”
I looked down at my roster to check the name of the boy talking. Brandon Williams.
“Yes, he really did, Brandon” I confirmed.
He slouched back in his chair and dropped his arm on the desk. “The dude had game.”
“He was a king, you idiot,” his friend ribbed. “He was rich and powerful. Women love that shit. Why do you think Addy’s with you, your brain?”