Loving Sofia

Loving Sofia Read Free

Book: Loving Sofia Read Free
Author: Alina Man
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rich as heck and then you wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like this.
    During the last few years we all had our share of bad days and found ourselves at Frank’s mercy, talking his ear off for hours at a time.  He always took it like a champ and made sure we got home safe . I guess that’s probably why he has our cell numbers on speed dial.
    Jonathan and the rest of the gang are already seated and the small table is covered in shot glasses.  Judging by that alone, I guess they’ve been waiting for us for a while. They all get up to say hello and exchange hugs and kisses with the birthday girl.  Personally , I just feel happy to sit down and slip off my shoes under the table. There’s no way in hell I can keep them on all night. 
    Mark sees me and gives me his trademark smirk . God this man is going to be the end of me I swear.  Each time I look in his clear blue eyes I feel all hot and bothered, a feeling I can’t really describe.  Maybe it’s just been too long since I went out with a guy.  Yeah, that’s it.  I mean, he’s my best friend and friends are not supposed to have those feelings for each other, right?
    As usual , I’m the only one not drinking, and that’s not just because I’m the DD. Frank himself brings me my usual glass of coke.  Growing up I witnessed too many drunken fights and promised myself I would never end up like that.  My mom had a long and loving relationship with her wine or beer, a relationship more important to her than her own child.
    I used to hate to go home after school because I never knew what mood she would be in.  Usually , if the bottles were full, everything was fine. When empty, all hell would break loose. That’s when the cussing and the hitting would come.  I swear the few friends I had were terrified of her and tried to stay as far from my house as possible.  Eventually, I just closed myself off from the outside world and found a new love in reading.  Each book took me to a happy place, a place where no one told me I was ugly, or stupid, or useless. It’s been nine years since I’ve left her house and yet sometimes her words still affect me.  Funny how much damage a parent can do to a kid’s self-esteem just with words.  Over the years, I learned to block all the bad memories, but from time to time they found their way back to me.
    “Hey come back to us,” Mona whispers in my ear.  I look at her beautiful face and realize that I must’ve been lost in my memory land again. 
    “Hey you.  Sorry about that.  I guess I’m really tired.”  She gives me that look she uses when she doesn’t believe a word I say, but doesn’t press on.
    “Come on.  Drink your coke and help me open my gifts.” 
    I drink the soda in one big gulp and take the camera out of my bag.   I love to take pictures of everyone, and yes, I always make sure they get posted on Facebook.  I’m the friend you don’t want to take to Vegas, if you know what I mean.  As much as my friends complain about the picture situation, in the end, they love posting comments on all of them and they look back at all the albums full of nostalgia. 
    The next few hours fly by with Mona opening the ton of gifts, drinking , and eating the delicious tapas made by Frank’s wife. Jonathan’s gift brings tears to Mona’s eyes - stunning diamond earrings.
    “Isn’t he amazing?” she asks.  “I think I’m going to spend the night at his place.” She giggles like a little girl.
    “Was there ever a doubt about that?” I laugh with her.  “I mean, come on now, the man just gave you diamonds.  The least you can do is go over and be the cochina I know you can be,” I tell her with a wink.
    “You know , you could get diamonds too,” she tells me with a sad look on her face.
    “Girl please, let’s not go there tonight.  I’m completely content living my life through yours.”
    “I just wish you would open your eyes Sofi and see what’s in front of you.  There’s a man here

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