Understanding Sexual Attraction
in stor ies. You can tell a funny story and just mention in small details things about what you are trying to tell her. For example, "Today the funniest thing happened; one of my patients was blah blah blah." She will immediately ask "Oh, you're a doctor?" You disguised your bragging with a humorous story. You can use this tactic with anything having to do with Money and Status.

Chapter 4: Personality Attributes

    Personality a ttributes account for 32% of the total Base Attraction that a woman feels for a man. These are the characteristics about yourself that you can most easily improve. After all, these things are all controlled by your brain and you have control over that. We are creatures of habit so repetition can help you to gain any of the following attributes.
    Confidence is the most important personality attribute that you can have. It alone will create 6% of total Base Attraction. Not only that, but confidence is part of the majority of other personality attributes, so it is difficult to measure. Confidence could help to contribute to over 20% of total Base Attraction, so take it very seriously.
    Women are attracted to confidence because it relays a lot of messages. It tells her that you are not a fraid to go get what you want, which is exactly how a provider should be. It tells her that you have probably had success in your life, which is also what a provider should be. Confidence hits an attraction switch as old as man itself.
    If you want to build confidence there are a number of ways. The first thing you should do is take a look at your insecurities. Accept them, and understand there is so much more to a person. Look at Tom Cruise. Even in his latter years he is still considered one of the most attractive men around. The man is tiny, about 5'7. The reason he is so successful is because he understands that he is short, but that he has other good qualities. Face your faults, and accept them as every single per son on this earth has them. The real reason Tom Cruise is so famous is because of his unwavering confidence.
    Another way to gain confidence is to surround yourself with confident people. They say you are the personality of your five closest friends. That saying has a lot of truth. If you can't surround yourself with confident people, start watching movies and TV shows with confident actors and model yourself after them. This will start to wear off on you subconsciously the more that you do it. Look at them as a father type figure. This will cause you to accept all they are doing both consciously and subconsciously and it is the reason sons are so much like their fathers.
    After that, fake it until you make it. When people are kidnapped, one thing their captors will do is use psychology to get their prisoners to like them. They will force the captives to pretend they like their captors. After pretending for a while, the captives will actually start to like them. Once you pretend to be something for so long, you can't help but be it.
    This is how you should think if you want to be a confident person. "You are confident in what you say, confident in what you know, confident in what you do, and confident that you can get what you want." If you want to improve your confidence, memorize that sentence or write it down and think about it every day.
    If you understand people for what they a re, and look at the big picture, there is no reason you can't be the most confident person in the world. If tiny Tom Cruise can do it, so can you.
    Desired by Women
    The second most important personality trait that you can have is that you are desired by women, or to be known for being good with women. This, in itself, is an attraction trigger. The prettier the women that are attracted to you, the more attraction other women will feel from it. This attribute accounts for 4% of total Base Attraction. It may not seem like a lot, but remember that the average guy will only create 0 to 5% attraction with a woman.

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