Understanding Sexual Attraction
dream of what it’s like attending parties with high status people, and then afterwards she will go brag to her friends about it.
    Another thing that will cause attraction in a woman is hearing about a man's accomplishments. Did he scale Mt. Everest? Travel the world? Go to Harvard? Save someone from a fire? Hearing , or especially, witnessing an accomplishment will trigger very strong attraction.
    Another aspect of accomplishments is ambition. Ambition is very sexy to a woman, even if you only have a plan become a rock star. As long as she sees it as a possibility, it will still hit an attraction trigger.
    The social attraction trigger is much more important than you may think. Women are naturally more social than men, so they place more importance on who you know. In a woman's eyes you r friends are a part of who you are. So the higher value that your friends are, the higher value that you will seem.
    Every woman has dreamed of going to their boyfriend ’s party and running into a political figure or famous actor. If you can't pull that off, just having a large network of friends to set up good sized parties will still hit an attraction switch in women.
    On the other hand, if all your friends are low value or you don't have friends at all, this will massively kill attraction. If you are lacking in the friends department , start a hobby where you can meet other guys or join a club or organization. The easiest is video games, but DO NOT use video games to make friends. Video games are one of the worst ways you can spend your time. The friends you will make playing video games will most likely not be high value friends.
    S ocial attraction triggers only account for about 5% of total Base Attraction. So if you don't want to ditch the friends you have known all your life, don't worry it's just a small part of attraction. Just keep in mind that it won't hurt to make new friends.
    Another aspect of social attraction is how loyal to you your friends are. If you look one way and your friend throws you under the bus, the social attraction that they originally caused the girl to feel for you will not only vanish, but it will kill even more attraction. However, if your friends are always talking you up as a person, it will cause a lot of attraction. Friends are important to women, so remember, if your friends aren't loyal, they won’t do anything but hurt the attraction a woman will feel for you.
    All of us have potential to do many of these things. If you can show that you have a good chance of making these things happen in the future , it will cause her to have attraction for you.
    If you are still studying you may hit some of these triggers with your degree choice, or even with the fact that you are pursuing a degree. Be ambitious in life, it will pay off in many ways.

How to Use Money and Status to Create Sexual Attraction
    Money and Status are things that you NEVER want to brag about. If you brag about them they will, at best, do nothing and, at worst, kill attraction. If you are bragging about having money you will only attract gold diggers, who aren't really interested in you.
    The best way to show that you have money is in your clothing. If you have money, use on it expensive brand name clothing. Women will notice and it will create attraction. Drive your expensive car around town, but don't go out of your way to make sure that the girl notices it; she will pick up on this "try-hard" behavior.
    The best way for a girl to learn about your money, status and accomplishments is actually through somebody else. If she hears it through somebody else it will seem much more credible, and you will be seen even better as you are not going around bragging about it. If she asks you about your career you can also tell her, but don't bring it up yourself.
    If you there is no other way for her to know of your status or your accomplishments than to hear it from you, then you should hint to it

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