and the fear of the unknown slam into me all at once. I shake out my hands as a sheen of sweat pricks at every pore, and shift between my feet while Seamus exits the room, showing his prospect patch in the process. “What happened?”
“There’s been meeting after fuckin’ meeting,” Hooch explains. “With Gunner and Twig out, Apex wanted an emergency vote to replace them, but Beefy put a stop to it.”
I search out a seat and sit on the very edge of the cushion. “Why?”
“Said he wasn’t fully convinced of Apex’s intentions behind the immediate appointment of two officers amidst crisis,” Murphy answers.
“Layman’s terms?”
“Sorry.” Murphy smiles and takes his seat opposite me. “In other words, Beefy thinks Apex would have had supporters voted in whether they suited the role or not. He thinks Apex was lookin’ to strengthen his backing, usin’ the situation to his own benefit by puttin’ men in place who’ll get behind whatever shit he’s got goin’ on in the future.”
“Aren’t we all meant to support the old fuck, though?” I place an elbow on the arm of the chair and try to ease the ache in my side. “Why would he be worried about that?”
“Look, people have been talkin’ while you’ve been laid up. We know that this infighting has somethin’ to do with you, brother.” Hooch twists in his seat, cards flicking between his hands as he shuffles them. “Can you tell us what we need to know?”
I close my eyes and bury my face in my hands. My worst nightmare came to fruition; the club got pulled into my shit. People are confused and rightly so. But how much do I tell them?
“Where were you headed when you rang me?” Hooch asks.
“Kansas City.”
I groan and drag my hands over my beard before facing them both. “What have you heard?”
“That you and Apex are at loggerheads about somethin’,” Murphy says. “Rumor has it, the whole thing’s about a girl.”
Hooch snorts. “Ain’t it always about a girl?” The two morons high-five each other.
“Yeah, it’s about a girl.”
Murphy’s face falls flat. “Why should Apex give two shits about who you’re seein’?”
I look to the carpet between us, tracing the faded paisley pattern with my eyes. “Because she’s Carlos’s wife.”
Hooch chokes on nothing, beating his chest with a closed fist.
Murphy just stares. “What?”
“You heard me.” I’m not hot on repeating it.
“How the fuck did that happen?” Hooch finally blurts out. “Why?”
“Didn’t know at first, okay? We met, I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about her, and then she dropped the bombshell on me.”
“You’ve called it off though, right? Like, Carlos is just pissed about what’s been, you know?” Poor Hooch—he’s so damn hopeful.
I shake my head at the guy.
“Shit, King. You know how to complicate things, eh?”
“Yeah, because I did the whole fuckin’ thing with the specific intention of messin’ everything up.” I narrow my gaze on Hooch, ready to throw down if he pushes me any harder, fuck my injuries. I shift my gaze to Murphy and soften my expression. “Has anybody heard how she might be?”
“Dude, we didn’t know about the woman, so how were we supposed to know we needed to keep our ears to the ground for you?”
He has a point there. “Yeah, you’re right.” I absently pat down my jeans. “Where’s my phone?”
“I’ll go grab it.” Murphy pushes up from his seat and leaves the room.
Hooch lets out a heavy breath and shakes his head. “You know Apex blames this whole fucked up hit on you, right?”
“Figured as much,” I murmur. “He’s probably been sportin’ a fuckin’ boner at the possibility of givin’ me the ass from the club over it, huh?”
“He’s got tough competition in Beefy, man. A couple of the lifers have heard rumors that the other officers will veto any action Apex proposes to take against you.”
“Yeah. You might have fucked up, brother,