similar sighting that she had of the same black cat. Also, my little brother, when he was about 11 years old told me of how he awoke one morning to see a cat on his bed. He began stroking the cat thinking it was our own household cat, but upon coming out of his doze he realized that our cat stayed in the garage of nights, so it couldn't have been him. He said then the cat disappeared.
After my uncle died my brother and I were staying at his home to once again observe the Jewish mourning ritual of "shiva."
While going from the living room into the kitchen I stepped into a kind of invisible "cloud" of my uncle's distinctive "personal smell" that seemed to be detectable in a discreet, circumscribed area.
If I stepped slightly one way or another, it was not detectable.
I called to my brother to come to where I was standing to see if he could smell what I was experiencing. He is a PhD research scientist and reluctantly admitted he could, but dismissed any significance.
Months later, my husband and I were in the house working when we both clearly heard loud knocking that seemed to come from my uncle's bedroom. When my uncle was alive, he had a habit of napping in the afternoon and when he wanted something would knock on his bedroom wall rather than call out.
On another occasion, we were both standing in the kitchen and I felt my left upper leg get incredibly cold.
At the time I had never heard of so-called paranormal "cold spots."
Down at the Jail
I was on a ghost hunt, something I picked up doing because of the unexplained things from childhood.
I was in an abandoned jail and we were taking pictures. I saw a full-body male standing in a strange pose, with his arms close to his body, his shoulders curled up near his ears, with dirty blonde hair, sad eyes, unclean clothing...
It only lasted during the time it took for the flash to go off, and as I was the only one looking in that direction I wasn't eh only one who saw this.
I saw him so clearly; I sketched him out. I can still remember him to this say. He was looking right at me and he was very frightened.
What is That Noise
When I was about 15 years old, my parents told me they felt the house I was growing up in was haunted. I had already come to that conclusion myself so I wasn't bothered by what they told me.
However, one day I noticed a strange buzzing sound in the room with me. It was similar to someone snoring. It started to fade after a few minutes, but then I realized it was just moving further away, into a different room. I followed the noise from room to room for about half an hour. I went outside several times to see if it was a chainsaw in the distance but it was quiet outside.
Eventually it faded to nothing.
Are You Still in Here Grandpa?
I was in my friend's house with my only guy friend and a girlfriend. We began to file into a room one by one; my girlfriend went first, my guy friend second. Then, suddenly my guy friend exclaimed that his ears started ringing as he stepped a foot inside the room. As I got myself inside the room, I almost fell to the ground because it felt as though something was pressing down on me, pushing me to the ground. My girlfriend just shrugged all this stuff off and said, "Well, my great grandpa did die in here after all."
Does She Approve of the New Décor?
We moved in to my in-laws' home after their passing, and when my wife decided to change the color of the kitchen walls. After this, a door started closing on its own, and I heard my dead mother-in-law's voice talking to me, in response to a statement that my wife had made. There was also a tingling feeling across the back of my head when I heard her responding.
Did I Just Hit That?
I was driving at sunset, but the sun was still visible, when I rounded a street corner and "hit" a shadow person who had run "onto" the road right
Compiled by Christopher C. Payne