relationship with her. So she can stop torturing me.” I watch her; her eyes filled with something like sadness, her mouth tugged down in a frown. If she only knew the truth, would she feel the same way? She straightens and reaches for the door, “Bye Jackson.” She quietly shuts my door and I’m left feeling alone and confused.
Chapter 3
I walk back outside and sit on the porch swing beside Jared. I needed to get out of there, out of Jackson’s room. It hurts to see how Amber treats him and yet, he lets her. It’s almost as if he doesn’t believe he deserves better. Does he really like being treated like crap?
Jared notices my change in demeanor and looks at me in concern. “Is everything okay?”
I shake my head. “Why does Jackson put up with Amber? She’s so mean to him. She treats him like a dog. Is that what guys like? I don’t remember him enjoying that kind of treatment before.” And I remember everything about him, everything that counts.
He looks at me with a raised brow. “I’m not sure why he takes her crap . And no, guys with self-respect don’t put up with their girlfriends treating them like a doormat. They’ll kick them to the curb in a quick flash.” I snort and look down at my nails like I have a hang nail or something, just to avoid Jared’s gaze. He hasn’t always been that way, that’s what bothers me. I know Jackson, inside and out. What’s changed?
He chuckles and I look up at him. “What? What could possibly be funny? Please enlighten me, oh so wise Jared.” I try to glare at him , but I suck at being mad.
“You’re just adorable when you’re brooding.”
I shrug , crossing my arms. “I’m not brooding, I’m just confused. She’s got him on a tight leash.”
He stops the swing and puts his hand on my knee. I look over at him, into his dark brown eyes. “Sky, why does it bother you so much? Wait-” His brows go up and his face changes as if he’s just thought of something insane. “You’ve got a crush on my brother, don’t you? Is that what this is about?” My cheeks flame and it’s impossible to hide it at this point. But if Jared hadn’t seen this coming all along, he’s obviously been blind. I’ve always loved Jackson. He was my best friend. We had everything in common. We shared everything. We loved the same things, and what the other didn’t like, we compromised. That’s how our friendship worked.
But somewhere along the way, our friendship changed. I was aware of the attraction we had, and I started to get nervous around him. I had these crazy butterfly sensations going on in my chest when he’d look at me a certain way. But I never voiced my feelings. I didn’t want it to change us and our easygoing connection.
When he started dating Amber, we grew apart. He didn’t talk to me much when he was around her. But when I’d come over to see Jared, he was always polite, so it became confusing.
I look up and say, “I don’t have a ‘crush’ on him, Jared. But in case you’ve missed it, I’ve always had a thing for your brother. Or maybe not always, but in the recent years. Where’ve you been?”
He laughs, “I know. I always knew. You two were a pair for the longest time. I always wondered if you’d ever start dating. I hate that he settled for Amber. She does treat him like crap. But, if he can’t see it, then it’s his own damn fault.” He pats my leg in comfort. “You’re too special to let it bother you. Find someone who’s gonna see your beauty and passion on their own.”
Beauty? I’ve never thought of myself as pretty or special. My chocolate brown hair and plain brown eyes are quite boring compared to Randa’s blonde locks or hazel eyes. I sit here and stare out into nothing, just wishing, that Jackson would wake up and see what a meaningful connection we had, could have. I may not be pretty like Amber, but I know I’d be a much more respectful and caring