said in protest.
I shrugged.
“The old slap him silly trick,” Baja muttered. “Shit, I should have thought of that. It’s a lot of fun too,” he said before giving Specs a slap as he hopped back into the cab.
“Dude, what the hell?” Specs griped.
Baja chuckled.
Once I was satisfied the guy wasn’t going to lose it — I joined the others inside.
When I jumped in the suspension barely moved. It was already squished to its max. I had visions of the back tires being stuck in mud with all that weight, thankfully that wasn’t the case. Dax gunned it before the others who were dragging ass caught up.
“Be nice,” Jess said to me. I rolled my eyes.
She slid back the window on the cab.
“Hey thanks, I thought I was going to become zombie chow back there.”
“What’s your name?”
“Ralph, but my pals call me...”
He paused for a second to catch his breath. Baja jumped on it.
“...dumbass?” Baja added.
Izzy slapped him.
“Shit, Izzy, you need to ease up.”
“My pals call me Ralphie.”
“I would have never guessed that,” Specs muttered.
“Where you from?” Dax yelled from the front. Ralphie stuck his head into the opening, filling what little space there was with skin.
“You?” he asked.
“Castle Cock,” Baja said, lighting a cigarette.
“Ignore him, he has mental problems,” Izzy said glaring at Baja.
Ralphie’s eyes darted between all of us.
“Wells, Nevada. We’ll be passing through there on the way to Salt Lake City.”
“Not much left. I barely managed to escape.”
Suddenly, Dax slammed the brakes on and jumped out.
“Strip down,” he said to Ralphie.
“You heard me.”
I ducked my head out the window.
“Okay, Dax, I know you’ve always been one for the lads. There’s no shame in that, but eh, I think you might want to go on a first date.”
“At least buy him flowers,” Baja added.
Dax rolled his eyes. “I’m checking for bites, morons.”
“I’m not bitten.”
Dax motioned with his Glock for him to get out of the back. Once again we had to feel our stomachs fly up into our throats as Ralphie hopped off the back of the truck. He glanced at Jess, Izzy, and Caitlin and went a deep shade of red.
“Dax, is this really necessary?” Izzy asked.
Dax ignored her. His eyes were fixed on Ralphie who was sweating and looking dark around the eyes. He had a point. We had no idea if one of those Z’s had taken a chunk out of him. We were surprised that he had even managed to outrun them.
“Do you even remember seeing him by the side of the road?” Specs asked me.
“What do you mean?” I said quietly.
“If I wasn’t mistaken he just appeared out of nowhere.”
While we were talking Ralphie had begun stripping down to his tighty-whiteys. Baja started swirling his groin around while hollering, “Key the music. Yeah! Magic Mike is in the house. Bust a move.”
“Sit the hell down,” Dax yelled.
I think I actually caught Izzy smirk which only made Ralphie go a deeper shade of red.
Dax walked around him.
“Like what you see?” I shouted to Dax. Dax flipped me the bird.
“Skiddddyyy,” Baja yelled, referring to the brown trace of shit on the poor guy’s underpants.
“Baja, I swear you have the mind of a twelve-year-old.”
“Sweet cheeks, admit it. You have a thing for me,” Baja replied back.
Izzy screwed up her face and threw up her middle finger.
“All right. Sorry to make you do that. But we have to be careful,” Dax said.
Ralphie pulled his clothes on like an embarrassed young virgin and Dax got back into the truck.
“Here. You might want this.” Jess shoved her coat through the window. It was cold outside. Just with the windows down we were getting chilled. I had visions of arriving in Salt Lake City and Ralphie frozen to death in the back of the truck. As soon as he was back in, Dax floored it.
I looked over his shoulder and could see we were down to a quarter of a tank of gas. Definitely