natural processes and accelerate your deliverance from any bondage!
I know of many people who struggled with addictions for decades. But once they had a supernatural encounter with Jesus, they just woke up one morning and found themselves free, with none of that familiar urge or desire to engage in their negative behavior anymore. Frank, who lives in the state of Maryland, wrote to me and shared how he was set free from drug addiction. He had been told that “once an addict, always an addict,” and he had believed it.
But when he came to know the truth about the life-transforming love and grace of Jesus through one of my teaching resources, it just destroyed the chains that bound him. He shared, “Man, I could have jumped through the roof when I discovered that all I had to do was accept the finished work of Jesus and His grace! After thirty years of drug addiction, I thought that there was no hope for me. But praise Jesus, I am now drug-free, and I’m in a good grace-preachingchurch with my wife, who has also been set free of her drug addiction.”
My friend, that is the power of right believing!
God’s Truth Triggers Your Deliverance
The moment Kate and Frank began to hear and believe the right things about God, it triggered their deliverance in an accelerated fashion. Knowing the truth was the catalyst. Contrast this with those who focus on living right without paying attention to believing right. Sadly, they only experience transient breakthroughs to the extent their willpower, self-control, or discipline persists. But those who focus on and believe the truth about God experience lasting freedom effortlessly. Jesus certainly wasn’t kidding or exaggerating when He said that knowing the truth sets you free.
Jesus has the truth that you need, that you’ve been searching for. He is
truth, and
life (see John 14:6). In love, He willingly laid down His life at the cross to set you free. That’s what this book is all about—transforming what you believe through the power of His sacrificial love and eternal truths. I’ve endeavored to make these truths as accessible and plain to see as possible for you. As you read the words, Scriptures, and stories of real people who have been set free by simply believing these truths about God and what He says about them, I pray that you will encounter God’s grace like never before. And as you meditate on these truths, I am confident that you will be walking in freedom sooner than you think. Your liberation is at hand!
With God There Is Always Hope
Dear reader, I don’t know what your hurt is today, and I don’t know what exactly you are struggling with. I just want you to know that God loves you. No matter how many mistakes you have made in your life, no matter how dark, how dire, and how desperate the circumstances seem, I have a message for you: It’s not over. Don’t throw in the towel!
Maybe you are struggling with some dark thoughts right now. Perhaps even thoughts of suicide have crossed your mind. Well, I can tell you it isn’t over. There is hope. There is help. God loves you so much. He wants to throw a beam of light on your path today, just like He did for Kate who was enslaved by alcohol for years. The mistakes of your past need not determine your future. God can give you a new beginning, a fresh start, and cause all things to work out for your good!
The mistakes of your past need not determine your future.
Pastor Prince, you don’t understand. How can I expect God to help me since I’m not a “religious” person?
That makes two of us!
There is not a religious bone in my body. I’m not here to talk to you about a religion. I’m here to show you a God who is alive, who cares, who breathes, who loves, who in many ways has been misrepresented and misunderstood. There is so much wrong believing about who God is.
Presenting the Real God
I want you to put aside whatever you may have believed about God, whatever you may have heard about