The Power of Right Believing: 7 Keys to Freedom from Fear, Guilt, and Addiction
be at the gym and guzzle hard liquor in secret when her husband was at work!
    To the rest of the world, Kate appeared to have it all together. But she knew. She knew that she was trapped in the prison of alcoholism and there was no way out of this vicious cycle of defeat.
    So after repeatedly trying to overcome her addiction without success, Kate was on the verge of giving up. But God had other plans. He led her to one of the leaders in my church who taught her to immerse herself in the Word and to keep praying in the Spirit. As she kept listening to my messages on God’s grace, God began uprooting the wrong beliefs that had taken hold in her mind and replacing them with right beliefs.
    When it was time for her to leave for the holiday, even though she was filled with trepidation and almost backed out of the trip at the last minute, she decided that she would go. She asked the Lord to help her keep her eyes on Him instead of trying to overcome the withdrawal symptoms. She was determined to enjoy her time with her husband and to give thanks to Jesus for every blessing, no matter how small.
    Kate told me that throughout the trip, she just kept resting, praying in the Spirit, and listening continually to my messages on her iPod. To her amazement, she didn’t suffer any symptoms. And you know what? It has been more than two years since that trip, and she has never taken another drop of alcohol. Hallelujah!
    She admitted that while the thought of having a drink does come to her once in a while, she believes that God has given her the strength to resist the temptation. And by His grace, she knows that she will never give in to the bottle again!
    My friend, in a supernatural instant, four long and treacherous years of addiction to alcohol disappeared for Kate. She didn’t know it then, but God was freeing her from her addiction (and much more) by filling her with the Spirit as she looked away from her problem and kept her eyes on Jesus. She also shared how she haddiscovered recently that the answer to her drinking problem was in God’s Word all this time: “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).
    I applaud this young lady for having the courage to share her powerful story with me. I pray that her testimony will encourage, inspire, and give you hope.
    A Jesus-Encounter Can Free You Supernaturally
    You may be asking, “How can this be? How does four years of alcohol addiction just disappear like that? How could such a powerful craving just lose its hold in such a short time?”
    The answer is simple but powerful.
    Kate allowed God’s love to invade her mind as she listened to grace-based messages on her iPod that were full of Jesus and His love. When you allow God’s love to saturate your mind, it doesn’t matter what wrong believing, fears, or addictions are keeping you bound. His grace will begin to break them down. That is what happens when you have an encounter with your loving Savior. Everyone who encounters Jesus never leaves the same. He came to set the captives free.
    Listen to what Jesus says: “The Spirit of the L ORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18).
    My friend, I want to tell you that whatever you are oppressedwith, Jesus came to set you free. It could be a debilitating physical condition, or like Kate, whom I met at the conference, you may be entangled in an addiction that has imprisoned you for years.
    Whatever you are oppressed with, Jesus came to set you free.
    Whatever your condition, however long it has kept you bound—two years, ten years, thirty years—know this:
God can set you free in a supernatural instant
. He who created time isn’t time-bound. He who in a fraction of a second turned water into the finest aged wine can bypass

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