pressure and results in a sudden release of tension. 1
Obviously, orgasm is much more than these rather mechanical physiological changes. It is the peak experience of sex for most people, and it is one of the most intense and pleasurable parts of being human. If you have ever had an orgasm, and almost all men have, you know exactly what we are describing. Ejaculation, however, is simply a reflex that occurs at the base of the spine and results in the ejection of semen. It is, in short, simply an involuntary
muscle spasm.
Granted, it is a pleasurable muscle spasm, but it is a muscle spasm nonetheless. Since so many men have learned to connect all the pleasure of orgasm with ejaculation, it is important to understand that most of the light-ning and thunder that you associate with ejaculation is really what occurs with orgasm—with or without ejaculation.
*In this chapter, we briefly summarize the information presented in our first book. For a longer and more detailed discussion of male multiple orgasms, please see the first three chapters of The Multi-Orgasmic Man.
In a moment we will review the scientific evidence that shows that men can have multiple orgasms, but it may be easier to begin with your own experience. In fact, you may have experienced multiple orgasms at some time in your life. Many men experience them before they enter adolescence and begin to ejaculate.
As you may remember, boys only start to produce sperm (and therefore the ability to ejaculate) once they enter adolescence, usually around the age of thirteen. However, most boys masturbate before they reach this age. During this time, they experience orgasm without ejaculating.
Many boys continue to masturbate after one orgasm, and since they do not ejaculate they maintain their erection. Alfred Kinsey, the pioneering sex researcher, in his famous book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male reported that half of all preadolescent boys (around twelve or younger) were able to experience two orgasms in a row, and almost a third were able to experience five or more one after the other. He concluded that “climax is clearly possible without ejaculation.” 2
Multiple orgasms, however, are not simply child’s play or one of the lost pleasures of youth. Kinsey studied older men as well and concluded, “Orgasm may occur without the emission of semen. ... These males experience real orgasm which they have no difficulty in recognizing, even if it is without ejaculation.” 3 Dr. Herant Katchadourian, professor of human sexuality at Stanford University and the author of the standard textbook Fundamentals of Human Sexuality, explains, “Some men are able to inhibit the emission of semen [avoid ejaculating] while they experience the orgasmic contractions: in other words they have non-ejaculatory orgasms. Such orgasms do not seem to be followed by a refractory period [loss of erection], thereby allowing these men to have consecutive or multiple orgasms like women.” 4
There have long been anecdotal studies of men who claim to have multiple orgasms, but the first laboratory study of male multiple orgasms was conducted by sex researchers William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian. They tested thirty-three multi-orgasmic men—men who could have two or more orgasms without losing their erection.
While the men had sex with their partners, Hartman and Fithian monitored their heart rate, which rises from around 70 beats per minute during rest to 120 beats per minute during orgasm ( see chart on p. 6 ). They also measured their pelvic contractions (which could be monitored through the involuntary squeezing of the anus that accompanies orgasm). They found that the arousal charts for multi-orgasmic men were exactly the same as for multi-orgasmic women.
Half of all preadolescent boys were able to experience two orgasms in a row, and almost a third were able to experience five or more one after the other.
Arousal chart for multi-orgasmic man