camaraderie in gear, while the back of his brain told him the young man had no doubt just slipped away from the nearest home for the terminally confused.
“Good aft, friend.”
“ ‘Day,” the young man said. “I’m interested in joining up.”
“Well, this is certainly the place,” Kerle said. “And you’ll never regret it if you do. The Confederation needs good men, and will make you proud you decided to serve your government.”
“What I’m really interested in is travel.”
“Then the Confederation is your ticket. I’ve seen twenty, thirty worlds, and I’ve only been in ten years, made
in the first four, and should be up for
senior tweg
when the next promotion list comes out,” Kerle said. “Not that you have to enlist for that long. Standard term is only four Earth-years.”
“Reasonable,” Garvin Jaansma said. “Gives everyone a chance to see if they get along.”
“Any particular trade or skill you’d be interested in?”
“I’m not much on working inside. Prefer to be outdoors if I can. What about that?” The young man was pointing at a small model of an assault lifter. Kerle picked it up.
“That’s a Grierson. Used in Armored Infantry. The Grierson’s the standard assault vehicle, called an Aerial Combat Vehicle, an ACV. Carries two attack teams. Chainguns here and here. Rocket pod here. There’s a whole lot of different configurations. Ultrareliable. Dual antigrav units under here, give it about a thousand meters overground lift. We use it for patrols, or attack. In the assault it’d be backed up with heavy lifters, gunships like that model of a Zhukov there, and of course there’d be other assault lifters with it. You can even modify it into an in-system spaceship. You could command one of these in a year, maybe less. Five million credits the Confederation’d trust you with. Plus twenty men’s lives, which is the real price. Not many jobs give someone your age that kind of responsibility,” Kerle said, sounding truly impressed.
“Sounds interesting,” Jaansma said.
“A couple of things first,” Kerle said, toes curling inside his mirror-bright boots, anticipating the bad news. “Have you talked to your family about this?”
“They don’t mind,” Jaansma said. “Whatever I think is best for me they’ll go along with. Anyway, I’m eighteen, so it’s my decision, isn’t it?”
“The first big one you can make,” Kerle agreed. “Another question. I don’t suppose you’ve had any trouble with the authorities?”
“None at all.” The answer came quickly.
“You’re sure? Not even a joyriding or maybe a fight or two, or getting caught with alk or a snort? If it’s minor, we can generally get clearance.”
“Nothing whatsoever.”
The young man’s smile was open, sincere.
bulged far overhead, dwarfing the line of men trudging toward its gangway. Garvin Jaansma gaped upward.
“Move along, dungboot,” a cadreman snapped. “The Confederation don’t want you to break your neck before you even get trained.”
“Good advice,
,” a voice grated, “you being the experienced star-rover and all. I’m surely admiring all your decorations and such.”
The junior noncom flushed. His uniform breast was as slick as his shaven head. “Quiet, you.”
The man who’d spoken stared hard, and the
flinched back as if he’d been struck.
“Keep on moving,” he muttered, and scurried away.
The man was big in any direction, not fat, but heavy, solid. His face was set in a perpetual scowl under his forward-combed, thinning black hair. A scar ran down one cheek and faded out in the middle of his thick neck. He appeared to be in his early thirties. He wore unshined half boots, heavy black canvas dungarees, a green tunic that would have been expensive new, sometime ago, and had a small, battered bag at his feet. There was a military-looking stencil on it: KIPCHAK, PETR.
He eyed Jaansma and the recruit