roots of the old tree. He’d gained much knowledge as he’d grown.
He’d noticed that the tree was entirely black at the base where
he’d spent so much time and that the wind seldom touched a single
Although he hadn’t realised it yet, the
young owl was quite unlike other woodland animals. The bird ruffled
his feathers and practiced beating his wings. He spotted a cricket
on a nearby tree, leapt forward, and snatched it up within his
clumsy talons. The elf owl no longer required the services of the
animals of Narvon Wood, and oddly enough, they stopped coming.
Genesis 1
1. In the beginning Maker created
Hae'Evun and the earth.
20. And Maker said, Let the waters
bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl
that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of the sky.
21. And Maker created great whales, and
every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth
abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after their
kind: and Maker saw that it was good.
24. And Maker said, Let the earth bring
forth the living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping
things, and beasts of the earth after their kind: and it was
26. And Maker said, Let us make man in
our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27. And Maker blessed them, and Maker
said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,
and subdue it. And Maker let silts have dominion over all that He
had created as guardians of man.
Scriptures of
the Holy Tome
Actions and Reactions
Today. Seteal’s eyes burst open. She leapt out of bed,
stumbled across the room, slammed face-first into her wardrobe, hit
the floor, and threw up. Lifting her chin, she paused for a moment
to examine the strange carvings on the wooden door. Her father had
constructed the wardrobe many years earlier, but she’d always found
the images confusing. There was an ocean, frozen in time with
people standing fearlessly beneath huge waves as if they too knew
that the waters were incapable of crashing down.
‘ For Maker’s sake,’
Seteal muttered before hurrying out of the room to find a cloth.
After collecting one from the next room, she cleaned up the mess
and got dressed.
‘ Is that you thumping
about up there, Seteal?’ Gifn called from downstairs.
‘ No!’ Seteal shouted
back to her father. Who did he expect it was? No one else lived
‘ I’ve made
breakfast,’ he announced.
‘ I’m not hungry,’
Seteal replied. The last thing she wanted to do was have breakfast
with that man. Not after last night.
After straightening out her bright
yellow dress, Seteal made her way to the bedroom window and gazed
out over the town. The house in front of theirs was all on one
level, which allowed her to see the town centre beyond. It was
early . . . too early for Seteal to be up, really, but she’d been
unable to sleep lately on account of some rather disturbing
Seteal was able to see the
future. Well . . . sometimes. Maybe. She was confused. Perhaps she
was simply losing her mind. Throughout life she’d suddenly
just know something was about to happen--sometimes only moments in
advance, sometimes days. She didn’t always know what the event was,
just that it would happen. Even to Seteal that sounded crazy. But
it wasn’t.
She’d only ever known such things
occasionally and it’d never impacted on her life too negatively.
But lately things had been different. And today was the day. That
was why she had been sick. She didn’t know what it was, but she’d
known it was coming for well over a year. Every now and then, she’d
freeze with the abrupt and somewhat forceful realisation that it’d
gotten closer. Or maybe she was just a bored, small town girl
making up childish