then you can look at some photos in a magazine or watch a movie together that features anal sex. The images can help you get comfortable with the idea and may provide some inspiration as well.
Some partners are open to sexual experimentation and adventure and will jump at the chance to try something new. Others may be more hesitant about exploring anal eroticism, and some may be downright hostile. If your partner reacts in a strongly negative way, listen to him or her and validate these feelings. If your partner rejects the very notion right off the bat, respectfully ask why. Approach him or her with kindness and generosity, and allow room to be honest without judgment. Once you have a better idea of the root of the person’s turn-off, you can address the underlying issues.
For example, some women have had a negative experience with anal penetration in the past and don’t want to have one again; most bad experiences involve painful anal sex. In these cases, give a woman the opportunity to share her story (if she feels comfortable), listen to her, and give her your support. Then let her know that you have no interest in hurting her, only in bringing her pleasure. See if she’s open to the idea of giving it another try and reassure her that you’ll go slowly, use plenty of lube, respect her boundaries, and let her stop whenever she wants.
Those who’ve never tried anal sex may also have worries and fears that prevent them from even considering it. Women may be scared of potential pain; maybe they heard that it’s going to hurt or it always hurts. Again, reassure her that anal sex can be a sexy, pain-free experience and you’re dedicated to making it just that! Similarly, some people believe that it’s a dangerous activity that will cause permanent damage to their bodies. Just because you want to put things up your butt doesn’t mean you’re headed into the land of adult diapers! The few cases I’ve heard of where anal penetration led to serious problems always involved drug use and irresponsible practices such as no lubrication, no warm up, or the introduction of foreign objects.As long as you go slowly, use lube and appropriate toys, you will not harm your body or your partner’s. When you engage in anal penetration, you learn how to relax and control your sphincter muscles. Contrary to common myths, you are not stretching out those muscles, loosening them, or damaging them. In fact, when you learn to use and relax the muscles, you will tone them and increase circulation to the entire region, which could lead to a much healthier ass all around!
Your partner may believe that anal sex is deviant, kinky, or abnormal. Let her know you’ve done some research, and share with her what you learned in the previous chapter about the physical and psychological aspects of it. If you’re the one feeling strange about anal sex, consider that the ass is an erogenous zone like many others. It’s incredibly sensitive and feels really good when it’s stimulated in lots of different ways. The rectum has the ability to expand when aroused, making penetration not only possible, but pleasurable. It’s good and healthy to challenge the messages that society gives us about what’s normal and what’s not when it comes to sexuality. There is no one sex act between consenting adults that is more “normal” than any other; sexual activities are like options on a menu. Some things you like to have all the time, others on special occasions. Some foods you eat only when you’re really in the mood, and others you just don’t care for. Anal sex is a choice on the menu, and you’re free to choose it (or not) whenever you like.
Maybe your partner is concerned about hygiene and fears anal sex will be a messy, unpleasant experience. There’s plenty of information about hygiene and preparation in the next chapter that can help her better understand how it all works and put her mind at ease. Additionally, you or your