chosen her because she was beautiful and intelligent. She was surprised how much she wanted to accept this job. She knew, or thought she knew, what they wanted her to do and she wanted to do it. It was for the sake of science. This company was depending on her to give their products a true and representative test and she wouldn’t let them down. And they were going to pay her £8000. “I’ll do it,” she said.
Chapter 3
Thirteen days later, Claire was back at the office with a suitcase containing clothes, cosmetics and toiletries. After the interview she had completed a detailed questionnaire about her physical size, her diet, her health, her sexual preferences and inclinations, her hopes and her desires. She was told not to be coy with her answers but answer all the questions as honestly as possible. Was she submissive or domineering? Was she attracted by the idea of anal sex? Did she consider that mild pain would enhance a sexual experience? Was she ever attracted to other women? On a scale of one to five, Claire filled all the answers to these sexually intrusive questions as three. Had Claire ever thought what it would be like to be with another woman? Of course she had. And what about anal sex? Dave had never once mentioned anal sex or even touched her there. Nobody had. But had she ever considered it? Well, yes; she had considered it, and some dark lonely nights she might have wriggled about a bit wondering what it would be like. She might even have pushed a well lubricate hair brush handle into herself. Yes, alright, she had pushed the hairbrush into herself – she had to know in case some-one ever wanted to do it for real – and it felt exciting. She remembered a strange taste in her mouth; can some-one taste excitement?
In the waiting room were the three other girls. Like her they were about twenty five and all cast in the same mould as far as body shape went. They were all about five foot seven, slim waists with broadish hips, long legs and substantial busts. Laura was Scottish with flaming red hair flowing down over her shoulders, Rosa was African with high cheek bones and thick dark hair, and Nita was Indian with long, glossy brown hair. And there was Claire with blond, shoulder length hair, fair skin and freckles. Claire smiled at them all and introduced herself shyly, and they all sat back pretending to read magazines and avoiding eye contact.
“Good morning, Ladies,” said Ian smiling as he entered with Sarah. “We just have some formalities to complete first in the form of contracts and consent agreements, then there’s a car to transport you all to our country facility in Herefordshire where the trials will actually take place. Sarah will be going with you to make sure you’re all settled in and prepared. I shall be coming over in the morning to observe the start of tomorrow’s trials." Ian paused for breath and scanned the expectant faces before him, each face showing excitement and apprehension in equal measure. "These trials are scheduled to last four weeks but if all goes well, they should finish well before that, which should work out nicely. In exactly four weeks time we have an important customer coming to inspect the new equipment and we're anxious that everything is ready for him. Please note that now is the last opportunity you will have to communicate with anyone until the trials have been completed. If there are no questions, I hope you all have a happy and rewarding time with us and I will see you again soon.”
“This way please Ladies,” said Sarah and led them from the room. For the occasion, Sarah wore a mid length leather skirt with high black boots, a white blouse and a leather waist cincher that had the effect of enhancing her bust. The contracts they were all given said that they understood that the contract period was mandatory – they were committing themselves to the whole month whatever they thought after the first day, and that they all understood