Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4

Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 Read Free Page B

Book: Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 Read Free
Author: Leslie Sansom
Tags: Keeping her in the Dark
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he was just sitting at his desk typing. He hadn’t said much since leaving the station. Besides our quickie in the car on the way home he had said very little.
    “I have to meet their guy, who will introduce me to the bad guys. I’ll then try to become friends with them while wearing a recording device in the hopes they will incriminate themselves.” He still wasn’t looking at me but wrote something on a piece of paper, shuffled more papers and kept typing.
    “You’re telling me that they have been investigating these men for years and they still can’t prove human trafficking?”
    “Apparently not.” He looked up at me briefly. “They can prove other crimes and I’m certain they will arrest them for those crimes if they can’t prove the trafficking. But they really want the sex crimes charge.” He went back to his work.
    “Why do they need you if they have a guy on the inside?” It didn’t make sense to me. If they had a guy on the inside then why did they need Liam? I wasn’t as trusting of the detectives as Liam seemed to be.
    “Their guy hasn’t been trusted in the backroom meetings or even been able to score an invite to an auction. I guess this is a very hard club to join.”
    “But they think you will be trusted?” I asked.
    “Yes. Given my history,” he paused and looked up at me again, “our history,” he corrected. “They think I will be accepted.”
    “Is this going to be dangerous?” I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear his words anyway.
    “Yes.” He didn’t elaborate.
    “Norah, please. I have all this work to do. Can we please talk about this later?” He stopped typing and took off his glasses.
    “We only have 4 days. There isn’t time for later.” I paused.
    “What are you going to do about the Nick situation?” I asked as he ran his hands over his face.
    In our very brief discussion in the car Liam informed me that Nick had been the one to rat out the party. They assumed he received an invitation as well but instead of attending he decided to turn it in. Liam informed them of our history with him and that he felt Nick had informed them of the party because of him. Nick hated Liam and wanted what Liam had. It made sense to me.
    He went back to typing.
    “I will handle Nick Meyers after the authorities are off my back.”
    “What does that mean?” I stood up.
    “Norah,” he sighed.
    “So let me get this straight, you are going on this undercover, covert mission for the UNDC, then you’re coming back here and going after Nick?” He didn’t say anything.
    “Let me handle Nick while you do your thing,” I put my hands on my hips.
    “You handle Nick?” he asked. Again he took off his glasses.
    “You handle Nick and sex auctions are my thing?” he didn’t look happy.
    “Don’t get upset,” I held my hands out but he stood up anyway.
    “Oh, it’s too late for that, little one. I will address these subjects separately because they both upset me but in different ways.” He breathed hot air on his glasses and cleaned them with his shirt.
    “First, having you handle Nick is out of the question. He wants you Norah! Has that fact escaped your attention?” he paused briefly. He wasn’t raising his voice but Liam had a way of speaking at a regular tone and still making my knees knock together.
    “Any situation that requires you talking or being near Nick is absolutely out of the question! That is the end of that discussion.” He cleared his throat and stepped around the desk.
    “Second, do not ever refer to a human auction as my thing! It isn’t my thing. Both auctions I have been involved in made my skin crawl. I loathe these people. They disgust me. I am only making a deal with the UNDC to get them off our backs!” He raised his voice in the end.
    “Liam, I…” I started.
    “Norah, this conversation is over. I have to leave in 4 days and will be gone for who knows how long. My Senior Assistant is about to go out on

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