STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7)

STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7) Read Free

Book: STAG: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 7) Read Free
Author: Samantha Leal
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and all… but bikers?”
    Becca had laughed and smiled.
    “If it doesn’t work out I’ll go back to something more conservative,” she’d said, even though she knew that she was lying.
    Since her first shift, she had been hooked. She enjoyed spending the days with Oscar and then on the nights she could let her hair down and go wild with the biker boys of The Forsaken Riders. It was perfect and she had never felt more alive. The memories of her past and of how her ex had been so cold and cruel to her were now fading and she was regaining her confidence with each passing day.
    When she had come back to town she had felt so lost, the only person she had had in the world was her sister, and then later, her little boy. But now she was making friends and she was feeling as if she was a part of a little family that lived life on the edge. It was the perfect balance for her, and she was more than enjoying it.
    She pulled up outside of her and Laura’s house and helped Oscar out of the car. He ran ahead and she looked around the neighborhood. It was a nice little street for the middle of a desert town, and she was fully aware of how worse her luck could have been if she had stayed in an unhappy relationship with a man who didn’t truly love her or their son. Just thinking about him made her skin crawl, so she pushed him to the back of her mind.
    Inside the house Laura was busy singing in the kitchen and Oscar had joined her at the table. Becca wandered in to be with them and they all discussed their days.
    “Well,” Becca grinned, “it looks like we have a new piece of artwork for the refrigerator.”
    “Oh wow!” gushed Laura. “Isn’t that divine!”
    She took the scribbled picture out of Oscar’s hands and pinned it proudly on the front with a couple of magnets. “We’ll have a full collection soon,” she smiled. “Maybe we should try and get them in a gallery!”
    Oscar laughed and jumped down from the table before he made his way into the front room and turned on the TV.
    “How was your day sis?” Becca asked.
    “Same old,” Laura rolled her eyes. “Dull, boring, office full of pervy men. What about you?”
    “Great!” Becca smiled. “I spent the day chilling in the garden actually, topping up my tan, you know?” She winked and she could feel her sister’s eyes boring into her.
    “What time’s your shift tonight?” Laura asked.
    “Eight-thirty,” Becca said as she opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of lemonade. “So I’ll get Oscar to bed and then head on out.”
    “Cool,” Laura said.
    Becca knew that she was lucky to have her sister by her side. She had been with her through the tough times and had supported her financially when she had turned up on her doorstep, pregnant, alone, and without an income. She honestly didn’t know what she would ever do without Laura. She would always do her best for her, the same as she would do for Oscar.
    Making her way back through into the front room, she and watched him playing with his toys. His innocence was so endearing,  he never ceased to amaze her with his curiosity and creativity. These were the absolute best parts of her day. She reached down and pulled out a big drawing pad and a set of pencils.
    “Why don’t we do some more drawing before dinner,” she said enthusiastically. Oscar grinned at her and ran to her side. As they opened up the notebook, they started to make some whacky pictures together, and Becca knew that she had her life on the right track. The only thing missing from it was a man and some love. If she could only find someone to care for her how she deserved to be cared for, then everything really would be perfect.
    She knew that it would take one hell of a man, and because of that she was willing to wait. She didn’t want to rush anything because there were no half measures in her life. She wanted it all, and she wasn’t willing to settle for anything less. Because it wasn’t just her that deserved a happy

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