Fuckin'-gorgeous-ass-handsome-hunk-Michael from Sunday afternoon over at Dirty Fingernails Jim’s house.
Suddenly, my day, which had been going so well, flushed down the drain right in front of my very eyes.
Michael stepped in to the room and quickly steadied me.
His hands on my shoulders as he held onto me sent electric currents through my entire body. Why was it that this man sent my body in such states of confusion?
And where was this electricity coming from anyway? How come I’d never felt it when other men had touched me?
"You okay?" He said his eyes showing concern.
I smiled back and somehow managed to extract myself from his grasp.
I nodded. "Yes." I said and bent over to pick up the yoga mat. "It's just this blasted mat that was in the way."
I could not let him see the effect he was having on me.
Outwardly I was calm as fuck but inside I was a raging tornado. This was a disaster.
What was he doing in my class?
What was he doing in my life?
What was he doing to me?
The memories of the weekend that was, the weekend that I was trying so hard to forget and succeeding until now, came roaring back with a vengeance.
I don't even know how I managed to teach the dance class that evening. With every move I made, I could feel his powerful presence in the room but when I glanced over━very quickly, mind you━he was doing anything but looking at me.
He would either be reading one of the magazines that I had out for guests or he would be on his cell phone.
Apparently, according to what he’d told me, the little six year old girl was his niece.
Now my classes usually ran for five weeks, so that meant, that if the little girl came every week, and he was the one who was going to be bringing her over then I'd get to see him every week. And with the kind of havoc he was already wrecking inside me, that to me, was unacceptable.
I was already very confused as it was.
When it came to dating and men, I was a complete doofus. I'd gone straight from high school to college and then onto my own business with laser like vision. Hadn't even stopped a minute to breath and enjoy the social life.
The few girlfriends I had all were uber socialites with veritable sex lives. And most other women I knew my age were married with kids or were divorced and had kids.
So this Michael guy suddenly tramping into my life was, to me, uncharted territory.
My feelings were all over the place and I had no idea how to proceed.
Even before the one and a half hour class was over, I knew one thing for sure. I couldn't go on like this. Something had to give and it came down to either me rejecting the little girl as a client or me talking to this Michael guy and telling him men weren't allowed in my dance studio.
Which would be total BS and he’d probably call me out on it because he'd already seen another man in the studio.
Namely the brother of the nineteen year old accident victim so I knew that that wouldn't fly. But what the hell else was I going to do?
Get a handle on my feelings?
Well, that was kinda hard considering I'd never felt like this before in the presence of any other man. I didn't know how to handle these type of feelings.
Reject the six year old girl as a client? Well, I couldn't do that. She'd done nothing wrong except have an uncle who was abso-friggin-lutely killing me.
What the hell was I gonna do now?
I decided that I was going to have to talk to Michael. No, I wasn't going to tell him how I felt or anything like that. I was just going to find out, as deftly as possible, if he was going to be coming to my dance studio every week with his niece.
But what if he told me that, yes, he was going to be coming over every week?
What was I going to do then?
I didn't have the answer to that just yet but I knew I had to do something and this sure as heck beat out all the other options I had.
Finally, after the class was over, I approached Michael and pulled him to the side while his niece was in the
Jesse Rev (FRW) Christopher; Jackson Mamie; Benson Till-Mobley