You're going home?
DEBORAH : Do you want me to?
DANNY : Only if you want to. Do you want to?
DEBORAH : Do you want me to stay? I don't know if it's such a good idea that I stay here tonight.
DANNY : Why? (Pause.) I'd like you to stay. If you'd like to.
DEB nods .
DANNY : Well, then, all right, then. Huh? (Pause.)
DEBORAH : I like your apartment.
DANNY : Yeah? I'm glad.
DEBORAH : I like it here.
DANNY : So, look, so tell me. How would you like to eat dinner with me tomorrow. If you're not doing anything. If you're not too busy. If you're busy it's not important.
DEBORAH : I'd love to eat dinner with you tomorrow.
DANNY : You would, huh?
DANNY : Well, okay, that's nice. That's very nice. I'm going to look forward to that.
DEBORAH : I could come over here and cook.
DANNY : You could.
DANNY : You could come over here and cook dinner, you'd like to do that?
DANNY : We could do that . . .
DANNY : Yeah. We could do that. (Pause.) Let's do that.
DEBORAH : Okay. (Pause.) I'm not really a Lesbian.
DEBORAH : But I have had some Lesbianic experiences.
DANNY : What, like going to bed with other women?
DEBORAH : . . . and I enjoyed them.
DANNY (pause): Well, sure. (Pause.) You going to sleep?
DEBORAH (sleepily): Yes.
DANNY (Pause): You having a good time?
DEBORAH (sleepily): Yes.
DANNY : That's good. (Pause.) Goodnight.
DEBORAH : Goodnight.
DANNY : See you in the morning.
The next morning, DEB and JOAN at their apartment . DEB enters .
JOAN : So what's he like?
JOAN : Whoever you haven't been home, I haven't seen you in two days that you've been seeing.
DEBORAH : Did you miss me?
JOAN : No. Your plants died. (Pause.) I'm kidding. What's his name.
DEBORAH : Danny.
JOAN : What's he do?
DEBORAH : He works in the Loop.
JOAN : How wonderful for him.
DEBORAH : He's an Assistant Office Manager.
JOAN : That's nice, a job with a little upward mobility.
DEBORAH : Don't be like that, Joan.
JOAN : I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.
DEBORAH : How are things at school?
JOAN : Swell. Life in the Primary Grades is a real picnic. The other kindergarten teacher got raped Tuesday.
DEBORAH : How terrible.
JOAN : What?
DEBORAH : How terrible for her.
JOAN : Well, of course it was terrible for her. Good Christ, Deborah, you really amaze me sometimes, you know that?
A bar . BERNARD is seated at the bar; he is waiting.
BERNIE : What do you have to do to get a drink in this place, come on a cracker?
DAN and DEB appear at the entrance to the bar.
DANNY : You're going to like Bernie, you're going to like him a lot. Ah! Ask him to tell you about Korea, he has got some stories you are not going to believe.
BERNARD spots them.
BERNIE : Yo! Siddown, siddown, so what are you having?
They all sit down at a table .
DANNY : Deborah?
DEBORAH : Jack Daniels on the Rocks.
BERNIE : So she knows what she's talking about, huh? (To DEB ) Black or Green?
DEBORAH : Black.
BERNIE : Okay. And you?
DANNY : The same.
BERNIE : Right back. (He goes to bar.)
DANNY : Well, that's Bernie.
DEBORAH : Seems like a nice enough sort of fellow.
DANNY : Hell of a guy.
DEBORAH : Is he coming with us to the movies?
BERNARD comes back with drinks.
BERNIE : So, actually, I'm Bernard Litko; friend and associate of your pal, Danny. And you're Deborah.
DEBORAH : Deborah Soloman.
BERNIE : Danny's been telling me a lot about you.
DEBORAH : We only met Wednesday.
BERNIE : He talks about you constantly.
DEBORAH : What does he say?
BERNIE : All the usual things.
DANNY : Bernie was in Korea.
DEBORAH : Really?
BERNIE : Yeah. You see M * A * S * H on TV? (Pause.) It all looks like that. There isn't one square inch of Korea that doesn't look like that. (Pause.) I'm not kidding. (Pause.)
DEBORAH : When were you there?
BERNIE : ‘67.
DEBORAH : Really? What were you doing in Korea in